E UROPEAN T ERRITORIAL C OOPERATION : T HE EXPERIENCE OF NORTH REGION AND ITS INTEGRATION ON THE STRATEGY “EUROPE 2020” C ARLOS N EVES | P RESIDENT OF N ORTH R EGION (CCDR-N) Carlos Neves, 13.dezembro.2012 “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
N ORTE R EGION MAIN FIGURES “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
Geographical area km2 Area (around 1/4 of the national area) 144 km of Atlantic coast 568 km of border (portuguese region with more km of continuos border) Geographic connection to Galicia, Castilla y León and Centro Region Norte Region main figures
A region with high relevance and influence in the national context 1/3 of national population (3.7 million inhabitants); 38% of young national population; 50% of the portuguese companies; 28% of national GDP; 42% of national exportations; M€ of superhavit in the trade balance of G&S 35% of national employment. Norte Region main figures
I. E UROPEAN T ERRITORIAL C OOPERATION “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
1. European Territorial Cooperation Assign scale to territories Cooperation at three levels: crossborder, interregional and transnational Cooperation as second objective of the European Cohesion Policy Challenges: more intelligent, sustainable, inclusive cooperation and thematically focused. Joint diagnoses and strategies + Optimization of synergies established between regions TERRITORIAL COOPERATION CROSSBORDER TRANSNA- TIONAL INTER- REGIONAL 52 programmes > 70% allocation for TC 13 programmes > 25% allocation for TC 4 programmes ~ 5% allocation for TC “delete” borders share experiencies networking
1. 1 C ROSSBORDER C OOPERATION “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
1. 1 Crossborder Cooperation Creation of cooperation mechanisms Working Communities Eurocities (Chaves - Verín and Tui - Valença) European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC Galicia - Norte of Portugal, the 1 st Iberian and the 3 rd European) Sectorial Commissions Working Groups These mechanisms created dynamics of cooperation that mobilized the main regional players, based on political, institutional and personal relations. More than 20 years of experience of political and institutional cooperation between Norte of Portugal and border regions: Galicia and Castilla y Léon
1. 1 Crossborder Cooperation POCTEP – Crossborder Cooperation Programme Spain – Portugal 2007/2013 Allocation : 354 M€ 195 projects approved (102 with Norte Region participation) More than partners Areas and flagship projects: Nanotechnology (INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory) Research & Development (Universities and Technologies Centers) Innovation (link the Scientific and Technological System to the productive and entrepreneurial sector) Clean and environmental energy (sustainability of the natural heritage) Cooperation between enterprises (clusters)
1. 1 Crossborder Cooperation Future Crossborder regional strategy that will lead to a Common Strategic Plan , aligning with the strategies "Europe 2020" and “Norte 2020”; Crossborder cooperation as a privileged strand (more than 70% of the European Territorial Cooperation allocation); New instruments of governance and specific regulation for cooperation. Thematic objectives: Research and innovation; Entrepreneurial competitiveness; Environmental protection and efficient management of resources; Social inclusion and combating poverty in areas such as health.
1. 2 I NTERREGIONAL C OOPERATION “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
1. 2 Interregional Cooperation Interreg IVC Projects of Regional Initiative/ Capitalization projects (EU Mainstream Programmes) Priorities: Innovation and knowledge based economy; Environment and risk prevention. Areas and flagship projects: Network with 10 vineyard regions Digital Local Agenda. 11 partners from 9 countries Allocation : 405 M€ 36 projects with PT partners (7 partners from Norte Region)
1. 3 T RANSNATIONAL C OOPERATION “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
1. 3 Transnational Cooperation Atlantic Area Operational Programme Managing Authority: CCDR-N 5 Members States (España, France, Ireland, Portugal and United Kingdom) 33 regions Allocation : 159 M€ 3 call for projects (4th call closed last month) 63 projects 574 partners (39 entities from Norte Region)
1. 3 Transnational Cooperation Priorities Promote transnational entrepreneurial and innovation networks (25 projects) Protect, secure and enhance the marine and coastal environment sustainability (21 projects) Improve accessibility and internal links (6 projects) Promote transnational synergies in sustainable urban and regional development (11 projects)
1. 3 Transnational Cooperation Future It will be crucial for EU Programmes to cooperate in the funding and implementation of ambitious projects for the Atlantic Area, allowing, intelligent and sustainable results and leverage effect fitting the strategies of the Member States; Intelligent growth, that gives priority to developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation; Sustainable growth, that promotes, that promotes an economy that is more efficient and more environmentally-friendly in the use of resources; Inclusive growth, capable of producing an economy that creates jobs and increases social and territorial cohesion; Connection with the Atlantic Strategy both at maritime and territorial approaches; Key player for both definition of the Atlantic Strategy and its future implementation; Capitalization of the existing assets such as knowledge and networks developed within the actual OP.
2. C ONCLUSIONS “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
2. Conclusions COOPERATION Transnational Crossborder Interregional Orientation for results with effective impact on territories Thematic concentration and smart specialization Projects with scale and critical mass in accordance with regional and European strategies
“We have the new tools and the new ambition. Now we need to make it happen.” José Manuel Durão Barroso “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013
Thank you! C ARLOS N EVES | P RESIDENT OF N ORTH R EGION (CCDR-N) CARLOS. CCDR - N. PT Carlos Neves, 13.dezembro.2012 “Territorial cooperation as motor for regional development” PORTO | 19.april.2013