EU subsidiarity review in the Netherlands a regional and local perspective Need for a different approach ? Caspar Sluiter Netherlands Association of Municipalities.


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Presentation transcript:

EU subsidiarity review in the Netherlands a regional and local perspective Need for a different approach ? Caspar Sluiter Netherlands Association of Municipalities

Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten National subsidiarity review Stock taking exercise EU legislation European what is necessary, national what is possible No treaty change, no opt-outs

Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten National subsidiarity review 54 specific points for action 9 recommendations for legislative process More focus in policy and more effective legislative process

Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten The regional and local perspective EU policy – local and regional ramifications National what is necessary, local what is possible Decentralisation makes subsidiarity more important

Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten The way forward Subsidiarity and proportionality answer for enlarged EU Room for diversity, leeway for local and regional policy Proportional legislation, open bottum up legislative process

Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten Proportional legislation Legislative proposals with focus on main policy goals, legislation last resort No unnecessary details, no emphasis on uniformity Rigorous impact assessments: implementing costs, administrative burdens and territorial consequences

Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten Open legislative process Smart regulation programme is a good start Dialogue and consultation during whole EU policy cycle More transparency during the policy cycle Involvement of all levels of government, but also other stakeholders

Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten Alternatives to legislation No EU legislation is not the same as no EU EU can be platform for exchange of ideas and best practices EU can financially support regional and local initiative