Protein turnover. Biosynthesis of a mino acids Léránt István
Biosynthesis of amino acids N – NH 4 + C – glycolysis, PPP, citric acid cycle L-amino acid / D –amino acid Proteinog e n amino acids 20 (22) Essential amino acids Non essential amino acids
NADPH – L-Glutam a t e
Glutamine synthetase
Synthesis of amino acids Origin of C Intermedier of glycolysis Intermedier of PPP I ntermedier of citric acid cycle
BIOSYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS al ph a-keto acid al ph a-amino acid Asp Ala Glu
SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS Transamination Deamination Decarboxylation Glycogen-glucose PLP – Vitamin B 6
SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS ProlineArginine Glutamate Glutamate- -semialdehyde Proline Arginine
SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS ProlinArginin Glutamate Glutamate- -semialdehyde Proline Ornitine Arginine
SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS Ser Glycolysis intermedier: 3-P-glycerate Transamination Dephosphorylation Ser: precursor of Gly & Cys
SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS Ser Ser: precursor of Gly & Cys SerGly
SYNTHESIS OF AMINO ACIDS Ser Ser: precursor of Gly & Cys Ser + homocysteine (Met) Cystationine Alpha-ketobutyrate + cysteine
FOLIC ACID – C1 Folium Spinach 15 mg / adults Mainly - liver Vitamin B9, Vitamin M Vitamin B9 deficiency megaloblastic anaemia – Neurological symptoms peripherial neuropathy myelopathy – vegetative disturbance psychiatric disturbance – depression – insomnia – irritability – forgetfulness