Public participation in design, decision making and realization in sustainable flood protection 11 June 2007 Ir. Henk de Hartog Managing Director Space for the River Waal Weelde Wealthy Waal River Waal Weelde
Location Rhinedelta Waal river ships/year 80 km (50 miles) 15 local political authorities Waal Weelde Netherlands Europe Netherlands Belgium Germany North See Gelderland Netherlands Nijmegen Arnhem Tiel Germany
Room for the river 1993, 1995 floods 1 billion damage (evacuation costs and repairements) Traditional policy; -higher dikes New policy; Room for the river: –Dike relocation –Removing obstacles –Lowering the floodplain Waal Weelde Shallow channels Relocation dike river management Deep sand excavation pits Higher dikes Lowering groynes
Room for the river Awareness increased: –Europe –Netherlands –Gelderland Local problem: NIMBY Waal Weelde
The new approach: Wealthy Waal project Partners: –Province of Gelderland –Local authorities –Private enterprises –Universities –Public stakeholders Waal Weelde
Targets Room for the river Improved environmental quality Increased cooperation between cities Promotion of regional economic development Two characteristics of Wealthy Waal: –Joint planning approach –Living with water strategy Waal Weelde
Three spatial clusters (each ± 5 cities) Waal Weelde Two examples of private initiatives Companies, Civilians, Politicians, Civil servants
Functioning of Wealthy Waal Waal Weelde Enterprises, Public/NGO, Politicians, Officials Ideas, Initiatives, Projects Discharge, Evironmental Quality, Regional Spatial development, Regional cooperation Wealthy Waal, Supports and investigates
Communication (interactive website) Waal Weelde
First result (inspiration map for landscape design) Waal Weelde
First result (Living with water approach) Waal Weelde
First Result (Economical partners) Waal Weelde Physical exercise ! “ Green ” strolling routes ice skating Footpath bicycle path Marathon routes Via Miles tags