I. B ANKOK Overview and Introduction to Financial System
Introduction Core books Requirements Presentation, evaluation Overview on the whole financial system Historical background of money
I NTRODUCTION Course: Introduction to Finance Department: Finance, EII.37 Head of Department.: Dr. Vígvári, András Secretary: Zsuzsanna Rébel EII.37 Subject coordinator teacher: Andrea Vallyon, EII.39; Consultations: at EII.39 on Thuesdays at Materials: Sharepoint Pénzügy Tanszék Angol tagozat Introduction to Finance file & Coospace: Introduction to Finance file
C ORE BOOKS Lawrence J. Gitman: Principles of Managerial Finance, Addison - Wesley 10th Edition Brealey and Myers: Principles of corporate Finance, West Publishing Company György Székely: The Essence of Money and Banking A Handbook for Financial Managers. KJK-Kerszöv Kft Stephen Valdez: An Introduction to Global Financial Markets, Macmillan Press Ltd.1997
R EQUIREMENTS To pass Successful written exam ( 56 points from 100 points ) 3 parts: Test questions ( pre-exam: Dec. 14) Calculations ( Oct. 26) Essay (pre-exam: Dec. 14) Presentations alternatively (10-15 minutes) in lecture (max. +15 points) – topics are related to lectures’ themes
P RESENTATION Alternative Could be made in pairs Max 15 minutes, one per each lecture Hand-out + Power Point Application for presentation: after the lecture Topics ( see sharepoint) Evaluation: presentation skills + hand-out materials
O VERVIEW AND WELCOME ! What does financial system mean in the economy? What is its task? – determinations Who are the participants? Direct and indirect flow of capital What are the instruments in the financial markets? Different markets and tasks Investment decision from the private investor’s place
F INANCIAL SYSTEM Markets Instruments Rules, acts, regulations Institutes People Techniques Money and capital connections in the economy
M ONEY SUPPLY AND DEMAND Borrowers and lenders – supply and demand Borrowers Individuals Companies Government Public corporations Municipalities Lenders: individuals (and companies) Deposit in Commercial bank Shareholder Investment funds, mutual funds pension funds Insurrance companies
I NTERMEDIARIES Intermediaries (pénzügyi közvetítők)– financial institutes Investment funds, Mutual funds Pension funds Insurrance companies Commercial banks
Financial Institutions Indirect money flow Money supply H OUSEHOLDS Government Businesses Direct money flow Financial Markets (exchanges,OTC) Direct money flow Money demand Companies Government Municipalities, Non-profit sphere, Fundations Households Indirect money flow
F INANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND FINANCIAL MARKETS Securities Freely bought and sold Shares, preference shares Corporate and goverment bonds, eurobonds T-bills certificate of deposit, commercial papers Financial markets - primary - secondary
I NVESTMENT DECISION Market situation- the pyramid Instruments as a legal claim (two main types: bond and share) Participants ( bearish and bullish traders and speculators) Institutions and regulations
M ATERIALS FOR THE TOPIC Stephen Valdez: An Introduction to Global Financial Markets,Macmillan Press Ltd.1997 – chapter 1 György Székely: The Essence of Money and Banking A Handbook for Financial Managers. KJK-Kerszöv Kft Lawrence J. Gitman: Principles of Managerial Finance, Addison - Wesley 10th Edition – see sharepoint: CH1:21-28old. Sharepoint: Keown CH2 Financial markets and interest rates Lecture 1. ppt.