Taste and olfaction Dr. Altdorfer Károly
Taste and smell - associated with memory and emotion Taste and smell can influence gastrointestinal secretion
Umami from the Japanese umami ( うま み ) meaning "pleasant savory taste” - Glutamate - Taste in food selection: sweet - nutritious food. bitter – avoided Taste
Secondary sensory epithelium
Parietal operculum collaterals to - hypothalamus and - CN secretomotor nuclei
Primary sensory epithelium
Rhinencephalon stria olfactoria medialis, et lateralis
Lateral olfactory stria through limen insulae: 1) Prepiriform area (Br 51; primary olfactory cortex): Ambient gyrus, semilunar gyrus, corticomedial nuclear group of amygdala 2) Axons of these neurons go entorhinal area (Br 28) - also olfactory cortex. 1) and 2) together: Piriform cortex Medial olfactory stria septal nuclei (subcallosal, paraterminal gyri) anterior commissure limbic system (input!) Aura of temporal (psychomotor) epilepsy often starts with feeling of not existing smells (hallucination).
Odors can cause visceral reflexes: - smell of favourite food salivation - disgusting smell nausea, vomiting. Connections via medial forebrain bundle (MFB): olfacto-hypothalamo-tegmental association (to autonomic nuclei) Odors can recall memories (orbitofrontal cortex) Odors can influence mood, behaviour (via limbic system)