Municipality of Nedre Eiker – view from east to west
Municipality of Nedre Eiker – view from west to east
Nedre Eiker - a municipality in Europe Nedre Eiker
Nedre Eiker - a member of ”The region of Oslo”
Municipality of Nedre Eiker Nedre Eiker municipality is located near the river called Drammenselva Nedre Eiker is located 45 minutes west of Oslo by car/train (ca 60km) Nedre Eiker is one of 21 municipalities in Buskerud county. ”BC” has a population of Nedre Eiker is neighbour to Drammen city (with a population of ) The region of Drammen has a population of Norway has a population of 4,7 million – Oslo has a population of
Municipality of Nedre Eiker Number of employees 1500 (1136 man-labour year) Balanced budget 112 mill. E (900 mill. NOK) Investment 12,5 mill. E (100 mill NOK) 6 primary schools and 4 secondary schools (2971 pupils) 7 municipal kindergardens and 6 private kindergardens (1034 children) Library/sports 2 Nursing homes/living areas
Nedre Eiker The objects of municipalities in Norway are: Kindergarden (1-5 year) Education (6 – 16 year) primary and secondary school Health and Social Welfare (small children – nursing home – home care – social care – m. medical officer – mental health care – child welfare) Water supply/drain (infrastructure)/refuse collection and disposal Road (municipal roads) Tax collector Town plan/Building control - and act/planning/contact with business and industry Fire services section Cultural affairs Municipal properties (buildings – school – kindergarden – city hall – nursing home – engineering installation)
Buskerud storsenter - Krokstad Center development
Pictures from Nedre Eiker