Sustainable Inorganic Materials Management K.U.Leuven
SIM² vision and mission 2 SIM² Mission To contribute to the sustainable Stewardship of the earth's resources by performing excellent research in critical areas of inorganic materials recovery and recycling. The research is transdisciplinary addressing both technological and non-technological challenges. SIM² Vision A Society that uses its resources in an efficient, effective and sustainable way.
SIM² research context 3
SIM² consortium Members of the SIM² consortium (KU Leuven, HUB, KHBO) Chemical Engineering: Process Engineering for Sustainable Systems (Tom Van Gerven, Bart Van der Bruggen) Chemistry: Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry (Koen Binnemans) Civil Engineering: Building Materials and Building Technology (Koen Van Balen, Lucie Vandewalle, Özlem Cizer) Civil Engineering: Recycling of construction and demolition waste in construction (Luc Boehme) Earth and Environmental Sciences: Geology (Jan Elsen, Philippe Muchez, Rudy Swennen) Economy and Management: Center for Economics and Corporate Sustainability (Johan Eyckmans, Valerie Cappuyns, Marc Craps) Law: Center for Advanced Legal Studies (Geert Van Calster) Metallurgy and Materials Engineering: High Temperature Processes and Industrial Ecology (Bart Blanpain, Peter Tom Jones, Muxing Guo, Yiannis Pontikes) Metallurgy and Materials Engineering: Sustainability Assessments of Material Life Cycles (Karel Van Acker) Metallurgy and Materials Engineering: Materials with Novel Functionality (Jan Fransaer) Microbial and Molecular Systems: Water treatment (Boudewijn Meesschaert) SIM² Management Group: Tom Van Gerven, Peter Tom Jones, Koen Binnemans, Bart Blanpain, Jan Elsen, Johan Eyckmans, Boudewijn Meesschaert, Philippe Muchez, Yiannis Pontikes, Karel Van Acker and Koen Van Balen. 4
SIM² in Leuven MRC 5
SIM² Research Structure L-MRC / SMaRT-Pro² / RARE³ (# companies: 40+) CR³ (# companies: 5-10) High Temp Centre (# comp.: 3-5) Level of Interaction (k€) Competitive dedicated research (KU Leuven: M€ 8.1; Total: M€ 20.5) Precompetitive dedicated research (KU Leuven: M€ 2.6; Total: M€ 3.0) Precompetitive generic research (KU Leuven: M€ 2.2; Total: M€ 2.2) Ideas Companies Ideas Ideas & results Bilateral/ Multilateral 6
5 Research domains 7
1. Efficient Materials Production Content –Metals: steel processes –Minerals: ultrasound crystallisation Involved people –Bart Blanpain and co-workers (steel) –Tom Van Gerven and co-workers (ultrasound) 8
2. Pollutant immobilisation Content –Characterisation –Immobilisation –Sorption –Carbonation Involved people –Emily Chiang, Rudy Swennen, Valérie Cappuyns, Boudewijn Meesschaert, Rafael Santos, Tom Van Gerven, Johan Martens 9
3. Secondary resources for building materials Content –Ceramics –Inorganic polymers –Cementitious binders –Carbonation Involved people –Coordination: Yiannis Pontikes & Özlem Cizer –Members: Yi Wai Chiang, Ö. Cizer, M. Dubois, R. Iacobescu, L. Kriskova, L. Machiels, S. Onisei, L. Pandelaers, Y. Pontikes, M. Salman, R. Santos 10
3. Secondary resources for building materials: projects 11
4. Recycling of metals and minerals Content –Rare earths (REE) –Biohydrometallurgy –Phosphorus Involved people –Koen Binnemans, Tom Jones, Bart Blanpain, Tom Van Gerven, Jan Fransaer, Philippe Muchez, Karel Van Acker, Johan Eyckmans, Annelies Malfliet and co- workers (REE) –Boudewijn Meesschaert, Emily Chiang, Rafael, Santos, Johan Martens, Tom Van Gerven (biohydrometallurgy) –Boudewijn Meesschaert, Bart Van der Bruggen and co-workers (phosphorus) 12
4. Recycling of metals and minerals: REE projects 13
Policy Research Centre Sustainable Materials Management Consortium: 4 univ. + VITO Promotor-Coordinator: K. Van Acker 5,5 PhDs; 1,5 postdoc Duration: 4 years 5. Policy research: SuMMa Aim = to create more in- depth scientific insights in actual and future SMM issues relevant for policy, such as resource efficiency, urban mining, closed loop economy,... 14
3rd Slag Valorisation Symposium March th Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering (ACEME) 9-12 April Events coming up 15