HS & MS ESOL Quarterly Training October 17, 2013
MS & HS ESOL Quarterly Training
Todays Agenda pre-lunch Housekeeping, Expectations and Feedback What would you do? (ESOL issues at your school) IWC; transcripts and suggested courses ACCESS information; ordering and certification
Todays Agenda post-lunch GaDOE Peer Monitoring visit Resources and Materials What would you do? (part 2) IWC role; translation and Migrant Paperwork; What do we need?
Tinyurl.com/CobbESOL Whats the address for the ESOL blog? Local Lead Responsibilities
Google Drive Surveys Forms Easier than blogging Completely anonymous
21 st Century Post-it Notes Click here to write your feedback! What has worked well? What are your struggles? What improvements would you like?
Online Clock
New Faces New Leads, please stand up and introduce yourselves!
Interactive Activity
Online Clock
Break Time
Student Intake Larry Hoover Yamile Sardiñas Vicki Campos
Tinyurl.com/CobbESOL Whats the address for the ESOL blog? Local Lead Responsibilities
Bits and Pieces Leads Responsibilities Waivers; No, wait. I dont want to waiver. Home Language Surveys Parental permission to test? Parental notifications in home language FERPA Schedules
ACCESS testing
Tier Graphic
ACCESS Roster from 2013 OnTrack --> Queries --> Assessments --> ACCESS --> ACCESS Roster Select Year
ACCESS Roster Label OnTrack Queries Assessments ACCESS ACCESS Roster Labels
Tier Placement Tier placement is more important than ever before because your school will be measured on progress. Data you should consider: Previous W-APT or ACCESS score Academic progress in the classroom Factor in the Can Do Descriptors
Tier Placement You should not go back a tier. In general, you should not give a tier A more than once. Waived students should take Tier C. C is for those ready to exit
Access Certification Window for ACCESS Online Certification Training Please limit your ACCESS administration certification testing to this window. If you do not have a WIDA login, please contact Janet Gaa.
Changes Listening test Time for reading
Todays Agenda post-lunch GaDOE Peer Monitoring visit What would you do? (part 2) Materials and Resources IWC role; translation and Migrant Paperwork; What do we need?
GaDOE Title III Peer Monitoring Visit What concerns and questions do you have?
Elements of the Audit Records Review Professional Development Instructional Programs Evaluation & Accountability Parental Involvement Fiduciary Responsibility
Peer Monitoring What to expect at your school Observations and Interviews (20, 25) ESOL and Gen Ed classes and teachers Escorts and hospitality Who will be visited? GaDOE pre-selected list of schools
Resources and Materials Inventory
Interactive Activity
Online Clock
IWC Translations Migrant Salome Rodriguez
Your Expectations Were they met? What questions can we answer for you now? Chili, my Beagle.
Tickets Out The Door Time to Review your responses.
Your Responses Click here to write your feedback! What has worked well? What are your struggles? What improvements would you like?