What makes for ‘quality’ in Quality Teaching Revisiting the NSW Quality Teaching model
Quality teaching in context Authentic pedagogy Productive pedagogy Quality teaching
Main ideas Rigorous conceptual basis Deep understanding Serious engagement Accepting responsibility
Dimensions of the QT model Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance
The NSW Model of Pedagogy
Conceptual issues Pedagogy = Instruction + Assessment Critical Elements? Techniques/Practices v Intellectual Demands Teaching skills v Approach to teaching
Rationale for Quality Teaching Respect for Students and Teachers Contemporary Intellectual Demands Work, Citizenship, Personal Affairs Stimulates Professional Community
Relationship Between Intellectual Quality and Student Behaviour Students’ Self Regulation Classroom Observation Results
Relationship Between Intellectual Quality and Student Behaviour Engagement Classroom Observation Results
1. Intellectual quality Deep knowledge Deep understanding Problematic knowledge Higher order thinking Metalanguage Substantive communication
Working on intellectual quality Identify and map concepts to be addressed Create opportunities for students to demonstrate understanding Help students to ask where knowledge comes from and how we know Link higher order thinking to important concepts Comment on language and how it functions Require elaboration, richness
2. Quality learning environment Explicit quality criteria Engagement High expectations Social support Students’ self-regulation Student direction
Working on quality learning environment Provide clear statements or examples of what constitutes quality Try expecting more while supporting students’ efforts Zero tolerance of nastiness, even poking fun Require students to take responsibility for their behaviour Consider when choices help to increase significance and engagement
3. Significance Background knowledge Cultural knowledge Knowledge integration Inclusivity Connectedness Narrative
Working on significance Find out and draw on what kids know Look beyond dominant cultural perspectives Connect learning experiences and concepts wherever possible Opting out is not okay, include everybody Connect school learning to something outside of school Use the power of stories
Use planning time well: In relation to QT ask the following questions What do I want the students to learn? Why does that learning matter? What am I going to get the students to produce? How well do I expect them to do it?