Ontwerp Systemen Prof.dr.ir. Bauke de Vries
DDSS Design Planning Artificial Intelligence ICT
Lopende Afstudeer Projecten Bedrijfsprocessimulatie van inrichtings- en organisatie-concepten voor kantoren Generative Design Generation of a construction planning using a 3D CAD model Electronic Document Management in production processes RFID in de bouwuitvoering Digitaal toetsen van bestemmingsplannen 3D modulaire productconfigurator voor de bouw
Case Study Het stadsdeelkantoor Zuid/Oost te Amsterdam Van 3D CAD model naar Constructie planning & 4D CAD model! Generation of a construction planning using a 3D CAD model
Lopend Promotie onderzoek Multi Agent Systems for Collaborative Design Collaborative Design Space Human Behavior Simulation in the Built Environment Evaluation System of the Evacuation Efficiency for the underground space designs in Shanghai Activity behaviour simulation in the urban environment. A method for evolutionary development of design alternatives subject to a set of performance constraints and user requirements
Human Behavior Simulation in the Built Environment Building performance analysis is a well-established tradition in the context of structural engineering and building physics. No model for building simulation involving the actual users. Claim: A system is needed for simulating real human behaviour and space utilisation in buildings.
Collaborative Design Space Shared action space Decision Network space Capturing Individual Space
Multi Agent Systems for Collaborative Design