06/10/071 Security System Using VHDL
06/10/072 Project Members Amal Shanavas Aneez I Ijas Rahim Renjith S Menon Sajid S Chavady
06/10/073 Introduction to VHDL VHDL-abbreviation of Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language VHDL resulted from the work done in the 70s and early 80s by the U.S Department of Defense. In 1986,VHDL was proposed as an IEEE standard Its roots are in the ADA language
06/10/074 Why Use VHDL Semiconductor devices dimensions have shrunk Reduces design time for a large digital system because designer can model the circuit in a program that simulates the circuit operation Avoids glitch which occurs in digital circuits Unlike other programs its statements are inherently concurrent To create sophisticated electronic products
06/10/075 Basic Building Blocks ENTITY –It is the most basic building block in a design –Entity block describes the interface for the design which defines input and output logic signals of the circuit.
06/10/076 Basic Building Blocks ARCHITECTURE –All entity that can be simulated have an architecture description –The architecture describes the internal operation of the design –Single entity can have multiple architectures –Three types: : Behavioral Modeling : Structural Design : Sequential behavior
06/10/077 How To Write VHDL Program Active-HDL 4.2 software has been used for the design synthesis and simulation The source code written using the normal TEXT editor,then saved as a VHDL file with '.vhd'extension and transferred to any of the VHDL design compiler.If the compilation shows no error(s),the file can be simulated,synthesized and implemented with FPGA
06/10/078 Circuit Diagram High-level
06/10/079 Temperature Sensor Relay Voltage regulator Voltage Cut off Board
06/10/0710 Source Code library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; ENTITY alarm_cntrl is port(fire,temperature,alarm_disable,main_disable:in STD_LOGIC; fire_alarm:OUT STD_LOGIC); END alarm_cntrl; architecture synth of alarm_cntrl is begin process(fire,temperature,alarm_disable,main_disable) begin if ((fire='1')and (main_disable='0'))then fire_alarm<='1'; else fire_alarm<='0'; end if; end process; end synth;
06/10/0711 Block Diagram-SENSOR Temperature Sensor Relay Voltage regulator Voltage Cut off Board To Ports