Section Questions - Page 207 #1-5 Chapter 5 Section 4 Section Questions - Page 207 #1-5
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: deflation, trade union, industrial unions, blacklist, lockout, Marxism, Knights of Labor, arbitration, injunction, American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, closed shop. deflation – a decline in the volume of available money or credit that results in lower prices, and, therefore, increases the buying power of money trade union – an organization of workers with the same trade or skill industrial unions – an organization of common laborers and craft workers in a particular industry
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: blacklist, lockout, Marxism, Knights of Labor, arbitration, injunction, American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, closed shop. blacklist – a list of persons who are disapproved of or are to be punished or boycotted lockout – a company tool to fight union demands by refusing to allow employees to enter its facilities to work Marxism – the ideas of Karl Marx; he argued that the basic force shaping capitalist society was the class struggle between workers and owners
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: Knights of Labor, arbitration, injunction, American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, closed shop. Knights of Labor – founded in 1869; opposed strikes, preferring boycotts and arbitration; called for 8-hour workday, supported equal pay for women, abolition of child labor, worker-owned factories; welcomed women and African Americans as members
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: arbitration, injunction, American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, closed shop. arbitration – settling a dispute by agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial outsider injunction - a court order whereby one is required to do or to refrain from doing a specified act American Federation of Labor – (AFL) dominant union of the late 1800s, created when several national trade unions came together in 1886; focused on promoting the interests of skilled workers 5 5
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: Samuel Gompers, closed shop. Samuel Gompers – first president of the AFL (until 1924); steered AFL away from politics; focused on issues such as wages, working hours, and working conditions closed shop – an agreement in which a company agrees to hire only union members 6 6
Main Ideas 2. Identifying Use a graphic organizer similar to the one below to list the factors that led to an increase in unions in the late 1800s. concern for working conditions concern for job security Factors Contributing to Unionization economic challenges such as deflation concern for pay 7 7
Main Ideas 3. Describing What groups of workers were represented by the Knights of Labor? Industrial workers, trade workers 4. Discussing How did employers and unions treat women differently from men? What reasons were given for the difference? Women were paid less because it was assumed that they were being supported by a man’s salary Women were thought to be good at domestic tasks; often they did “women’s work,” which paid less Most unions excluded women, assuming that a father or husband would express the woman’s concerns
Critical Thinking 5. Big Ideas Why did industrial unions frequently fail in the late 1800s? Confrontations led to violence, courts ruled against them, there were frequent strikes, they fought for many things all at the same time, and blacklisting