Section Questions - Page 199 #1-5 Chapter 5 Section 3 Section Questions - Page 199 #1-5
The trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange Identify 1. Explain the significance of: corporation, stock, economies of scale, pool, Andrew Carnegie, vertical integration, horizontal integration, John D. Rockefeller monopoly, trust, holding company. corporation – an organization that is authorized by law to carry on an activity but treated as though it were a single person stock – money or capital invested or available for investment or trading economies of scale – cost of manufacturing is decreased by producing goods quickly in large quantities The trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: pool, Andrew Carnegie, vertical integration, horizontal integration, John D. Rockefeller, monopoly, trust, holding company. pool – a group sharing in some activity; for example, among railroad owners who made secret agreements and set rates among themselves Andrew Carnegie – born in Scotland, son of a poor hand weaver; worked his way up to superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad; opened steel company in Pittsburgh in 1875, began vertical integration of the steel industry
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: vertical integration, horizontal integration, John D. Rockefeller, monopoly, trust, holding company. vertical integration – the combining of companies that supply equipment and services needed for a particular industry
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: horizontal integration, John D. Rockefeller, monopoly, trust, holding company. horizontal integration – combining of many firms engaged in the same type of business into one corporation 5 5
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: John D. Rockefeller, monopoly, trust, holding company. John D. Rockefeller – famous industrialist who achieved almost complete horizontal integration of the oil industry; built refineries after oil was discovered in Pennsylvania; Standard Oil became the nation’s largest oil refiner, buying out the competition (controlling 90% of the industry in the U.S. by 1880) monopoly – total control of a type of industry by one person or one company 6 6
Identify 1. Explain the significance of: trust, holding company. trust – a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement, especially to reduce competition holding company – a company whose primary business is owning a controlling share of stock in other companies 7 7
Main Ideas 2. Stating Why did the number of corporations increase in the late 1800s? Companies were allowed to incorporate without getting a state charter Companies sold stock and, with the profits, were able to achieve economies of scale that smaller companies could not
Main Ideas 3. Comparing Use a graphic organizer to list ways business leaders in the 1800s tried to eliminate competition. pools monopolies Attempts to Eliminate Competition vertical and horizontal integration trusts 9 9
Critical Thinking 4. Big Ideas What techniques were used by Carnegie and others to consolidate their industries? How did state governments respond? Pools, trusts, monopolies, vertical and horizontal integration Many states made it illegal for one company to own stock in another company 5. Forming an Opinion Do you think an individual today can rise from “rags to riches” like Andrew Carnegie did? Why or why not? What is it like to find a job today? What is required of workers in order to progress within a company or industry? Does the economy play a role?