The Company – A Brief Introduction Member of a billion dollar conglomerate, QI Ltd Headquartered in Hong Kong Established since 1998, 7 years In Malaysia since 1999, 6 years Presence in more than 130 countries 1 million customers/Independent Representatives To know more visit A member of:
Products - Numismatics Affiliates with these bodies & more to produce numismatic products: FIFA Olympic Council United Nations (FAO) Ferrari (F1) IBF Minted by our world-renowned: FIFA Centennial Commemorative Gold Coin Set Athens 2004 Olympic Games Coin Set FAO – Mother Teresa Gold and Silver Medallions Princess Diana Coin Pendant Ladies Gold Dome of the Rock MMC Watch Diamond Cross Pendant To know more visit
Products - Vacation Whether youre dreaming of a winter holiday in the Alps or a sunny vacation in Andaman, with Diamond Vacation Club Membership… You are entitled a yearly two-week vacation At your preferred location For 30 years & 2 years free membership with RCI Partners with Resorts Condominium International (RCI) Nearly 4,000 affiliated resorts Spanning 120 countries around the world To know more visit
Products - Telecommunications one account one world one solution High quality long distance telecommunication solution harnessing Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. A single account with many services including Call Details Virtual Calling Card Call from Internet International Call Back iConnect One Plus Services iConnect Internet Phone & more. An extraordinary residual income opportunity apart from the Binary compensation plan. SAVES UP TO 80% on long distance calls To know more visit
Customer Referral Program (CRP) YOU Me I refer you to the company through CRP You purchase a product through Internet (e-commerce) QN will deliver the product to you via FedEx or UPS An Independent Representative (IR) does not handle or carry any product
Compensation – The Binary Plan
YOU Left Right Binary Plan Once you have signed up and made a purchase, you will have an account that is divided into a left and a right side.
YOU Left Right A Products purchased from QuestNet has differing Unit Volume (UV) 1UV is entitled an Account (Tracking Center) in the Binary Plan An iConnect bundle is equal to 1UV For the sake of simplicity, assume everyone purchases iConnect/1UV Your friend, A purchases 1UV Binary Plan
YOU Left Right AB Binary Plan
YOU Left Right AB Binary Plan
YOU Left Right AB Binary Plan
YOU Left Right AB 33 USD 250 Once you achieve a new volume of 3 left & 3 right, youll be paid a commission of USD 250 Binary Plan
YOU Left Right Binary Plan
YOU Left Right 33 USD 250 Arrangement does not matter as long as it is balanced 3 left & 3 right Binary Plan
1 YOU 6 Months Projection (Lazy Mentality) Assume that you ONLY manage to find 1 left & 1 right in 1 month. Everyone else does the same. Months
USD 250 YOU 6 Months Projection (Lazy Mentality) Months
USD USD 250 YOU 6 Months Projection (Lazy Mentality) Months
USD USD USD 750 YOU 6 Months Projection (Lazy Mentality) Months
USD USD USD USD 1250 YOU 6 Months Projection (Lazy Mentality) Months
USD USD USD USD USD 2750 YOU 6 Months Projection (Lazy Mentality) Months
USD USD USD USD USD 2750 TotalUSD 5250 YOU 6 Months Projection (Lazy Mentality) Months Approx. RM 20,000
1 6 6 YOU 3 Years Projection (EVEN Lazier Mentality) Years Assume that you ONLY manage to find 6 left & 6 right in 1 year. Everyone else does the same.
1 6 6USD 500 YOU 3 Years Projection (EVEN Lazier Mentality) Years
1 6 6USD USD 6000 YOU 3 Years Projection (EVEN Lazier Mentality) Years
1 6 6USD USD USD YOU 3 Years Projection (EVEN Lazier Mentality) Years
1 6 6USD USD USD TotalUSD YOU 3 Years Projection (EVEN Lazier Mentality) Years Approx. RM 300,000
YOU Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year) 300 Say only 300 out of the 864 people are active. And only 10% of them work on a particular day. With 10% successful sign-up rate.
M 3 3USD 250 YOU Day Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year)
M 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 YOU Day Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year)
M 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 W 3 3USD 250 YOU Day Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year)
M 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 W 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 YOU Day Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year)
M 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 W 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 F 3 3USD 250 YOU Day Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year)
M 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 W 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 F 3 3USD 250 S 3 3USD 250 YOU Day Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year)
M 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 W 3 3USD 250 T 3 3USD 250 F 3 3USD 250 S 3 3USD 250 TotalUSD 1500 YOU Day Passive Income (Beginning of your 4 th year) Approx. RM 5800
End of Presentation Presenter: Francis Wong Vui Kheng Contact: