Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) 2013 Wellness Program with “Rewards” HIGHMARK.COM
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) 2013 WELLNESS PROGRAM What is the EPC 2013 Wellness Program? A systematic program focusing on the health and well-being of EPC health plan participants. Our program focuses on: Supporting the health of our members Providing accessible resources and education for you and your family Who administers the program? Highmark BlueCross Blue Shield, through the new “Wellness Rewards” program (go to www.highmarkbcbs.com).
EPC 2013 & “WELLNESS REWARDS” Program Length: Eleven months long – from 1/1/2013 to 11/30/2013. Who is Eligible: Participants in the EPC Medical Plan plus covered spouse, if applicable. Program Activities for Reward: Wellness Profile – Complete a brief questionnaire to learn more about your health and receive a confidential, immediate personal plan. Reward provided: $50 Premier Choice Award redeemable at ~200 selected retailers.
GETTING STARTING ON YOUR HIGHMARK WEBSITE Go to: www.highmarkbcbs.com and select the “Members” tab Enter User ID & Password in the Log In box, Or For new registrants click “Register Now” New Registrants will receive a PIN to allow complete access Getting started is easy!
REGISTERING FOR THE FIRST TIME Complete the requested information, exactly as it appears on your Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance card. Tips: Member ID: If you do not yet have your ID card, enter the subscriber’s Social Security Login ID: Create a Login ID that is 6 – 10 alpha or number characters (ex., jwsmith) Password: Create a password with a combination of 6 – 10 alpha and numeric characters (ex., smith16) Click “Submit”.
ESTABLISHING A PIN The next page request information to confirm your identity. This information is needed to establish your Personal Identification Number (PIN). First time website users require a PIN. Click “Submit” to continue
PIN DELIVERY METHOD You can elect to have your PIN sent via email, text, voicemail, or postal mail delivery. (Email and text delivery are the quickest options.) Once you select a PIN Delivery Method, click on “Submit”. You are required to complete the PIN process to access the Wellness Rewards program and complete the Wellness Profile. This is a one-time verification, and you will not need to enter your PIN in the future.
ENTERING YOUR PIN Once you receive your PIN, you will be asked to enter this information the next time you log into the website. This is the only time you need to enter the PIN. Thereafter, you can log into the Highmark site with only the Login ID and Password you created. If you already registered, but did not complete the PIN process, select “Reissue Your PIN” and follow the steps to get one. If you lost your PIN, select “Reissue Your PIN” and follow the steps to receive your new PIN.
ACCESSING WELLNESS REWARDS Click on the Rewards program link on your Member Home Page
YOUR WELLNESS REWARDS PAGE Activity (Wellness Profile) that earns reward is shown in box.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) For more information, click on “FAQs” on your Wellness Rewards page. This brings you to the details of Wellness Rewards.
COMPLETING WELLNESS REWARDS Move or “hover” your cursor over each activity box The box will flip over; click on “LET’S DO THIS” to go to each activity to complete.
COMPLETING WELLNESS REWARDS Once you complete the Wellness Profile, this will be reflected on your Wellness Rewards page.
COMPLETING THE WELLNESS PROFILE Click here to begin the Wellness Profile The Wellness Profile includes: Questions about your health habits and history Immediate online report with your personal Score Levers to see how changes to behaviors can affect your score Personalized recommendations, including Lifestyle Improvement Programs
WELLNESS PROFILE SCORE PAGE Wellness Profile Summary of your results “Risk Reports” with detailed feedback on each risk area (stress, nutrition, etc.), and a suggested action plan “Condition Reports” provide feedback on your risk for developing certain conditions & what you can do to lessen your risk “Physician Summary” to take to your next doctor’s visit Option to “Print Report” Let’s briefly take a look at your Wellness Profile summary, which you can access again by logging in to www.highmarkbcbs.com, and click on the “Wellness Profile” link on the lower right sight of your member home page. The WP Summary is the first page you see, with a general overview of your score and see what factors are “low”, “medium” or “high” risk areas for you. You will also see the top areas recommended for you to take action, based on our lifestyle choices and where you feel ready to make changes first. From here, you can click on various links to understand more about your results. The Risk Reports allow you to get more in-depth feedback and a suggested action plan for each area (weight, tobacco cessation, emotional health, stress, etc.). Each risk report also provides the “peer comparison” for that particular area of health. Condition Reports give you a “preview” of how likely you are to develop lifestyle-related conditions, and how you can avoid or reduce risk for these conditions. You can obtain a Physician Summary, to take to your next appointment with your health care provider, so that your health care provider can give you the support/recommendations to keep you healthy. You can even ask your doctor to place the Physician Summary in your medical chart as a record. You can always click on “Print Report” to keep a hard copy of your WP results. If you are interested, there is also a link to understand more about the Health Care Costs related to your health and risk factors. This is a general estimate, and not specific to your benefit plan or the costs to you/Cabela’s. For example, those who do not exercise have 10% higher health care costs each year, on average.
WELLNESS PROFILE SUMMARY, continued You can compare your Score to your “peer average” (based on age & gender) The impact of your “Medical Conditions” (unclick box, to see how score changes) Move risk levers up or down to see how changes to behaviors affect your WP Score. Recommendations for “Next Steps” & “Other Resources” to support your goals Other useful features in your report include: “Peer Comparison” , to see how your score compares to others in your age and gender category across the country. (also see peer comparisons in each Risk Report) How much your medical condition influences your WP Score; unclick the check-marked box to see how your WP Score would change if you did not have the condition. Interested in knowing how improving nutrition or exercise will impact your WP Score? Just move the risk levers up to see how your WP Score changes (note: this does not change your final score). Can also click on top area of need (“Eat a healthier diet”) to see how risk lever moves and overall score improves. Also check the key recommendations and resources to help you take next steps – includes information and tools on mybenefitshome.com, and other actions (getting screenings, recommended immunizations, or “Program Referrals” such as health management through the Blues on Call health telephonic health coaching) 16
EPC REWARD RECEIPT How will you know that you completed “Wellness Rewards” (the Wellness Profile)? Your Wellness Rewards home page will reflect you have completed the Wellness Profile. You will receive an email notification confirming completion (sent to the email address registered on www.highmarkbcbs.com). You should expect to see your award in the mail from Hallmark Business Connections by the 15th of the following month of completing your Wellness Profile.* *Eligible EPC members may receive only one reward per calendar year.
EPC REWARD RECEIPT Hallmark Insights Sample Merchants : Lands End Crate & Barrel Target babyGap iTunes Autozone Home Depot Cabela’s AMC Theatres Amazon.com Best Buy Amtrak+ Applebee’s Restaurant Chili’s Restaurant
QUESTIONS? Registration, Login or PIN process on www.highmarkbcbs.com: Call Highmark’s technical support line at 1-877-298-3918. Finding “Wellness Rewards” and completing the Wellness Profile: Call Highmark’s Wellness Resource Center at 1-800-650-8442. EPC Wellness Program Reward: Contact the EPC at linda.diveto@epc.org or 1-734-838-6942.