PENTAGON Takiyah, Jasmine, Robin, Briana Takiyah, Jasmine, Robin, Briana
Reader Takiyah Historian Jasmine Analyst Robin Bibliographer Briana
HISTORY Directly across the Potomac River from the District of Columbia in Arlington County, Virginia, is the building that has become a synonym for the Department of Defense--the Pentagon. This enormous and busy structure had its origins during World War II. The Chief of Construction Division under the U.S. Army Quartermaster General in 1941 was Brigadier General Brehon B. Somervell. He became the prime planner for what would eventually be the War Departments massive home. As an alternative to temporary facilities proposals in 1941, Brig. Gen. Somervell and his associates took less than four days to develop plans for a mammoth three-story facility to house 40,000 people.
ANALYSIS The height is 77 feet The total area is 1,458,864 sq ft 921 ft. along each outer side facade The volume is 112,332,528 cu ft Bibliography
TEAM PAGE Team Number: __ RoleStudentTask Reader Overview and Content of the Presentatio n Historian History of the Building Analyst Geometric Analysis of the Building Bibliographer Bibliograph y of the Project Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Web Quest Contact Info
Mathematical Report Rubric Mathematical Report Rubric Beginnin g Averag e Good Excellen t PossiblePointSelf Assessmen t Teacher Introducti on Not focused Focused but irrelevan t Focus ed too long Presents a concise lead-ininfo4 Research Does not present With inadeq uacy With adeq uacy Presents main theme with excellenc e 4 ProcedureNot sequenti al Some steps Moststeps unders tandab le Presents easy to follow sequence 4 ResultsLittleSome Mostly compl ete Data and figure complet e 4 Conclusio n LittleSomeMostlyPresents main theme 4 Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Web Quest Contact Info
Oral Presentation Rubric Oral Presentation Rubric Beginnin g Averag e Good Excellen t Possibl e PointSelf Assessmen t Teacher ContentLittleSomeMostly Speech is clear & focused4 Organizatio n LittleSomeMostly Effectiv e beginn, main, end 4 LanguageLittleSomeMostly Words are specific & accurate4 DeliveryLittleSomeMostly Good eye contact, speed,volume4 Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Web Quest Contact Info
Project Scoring System Name Team Score Math Report Score Speech Score Overall Score Takiyah Jasmine Robin Briana Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Web Quest Contact Info