White House Jason Ebuen, Rafael Luna, Jimmy Hal, Gurvinder Singh
History The white house was a symbol of presidency for the last 200 years The white house was a symbol of presidency for the last 200 years The construction of the white house began on Oct. of 1792 and was nearly finished in the The construction of the white house began on Oct. of 1792 and was nearly finished in the George Washington was the only president who didnt live in the white house. George Washington was the only president who didnt live in the white house.
Continue of History The white house survived from a fire when the British lit it on fire during the war of 1812 Presidents can express their self by decorating the white house in anything they want. Thomas Jefferson held the first open of the white house in 1805.
Continue of History The white house has 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels in the residence. There are also 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircase, and 3 elevator. President T. Roosevelt gave the name of the white house.
Analyst Area = 150 x 100 = 15,000 Volume = 15,000 x 30 = 450,000
Resource house.html house.html
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Mathematical Report Rubric Mathematical Report RubricBeginningAverageGoodExcellentPossiblePointSelfAssessmentTeacherAssessment Introduction Not focused Focused but irrelevant Focused too long Presents a concise lead-ininfo4 Research Does not present With inadequa cy With adequa cy Presents main theme with excellence 4 ProcedureNotsequential Some steps Moststeps understa ndable Presents easy to follow sequence 4 ResultsLittleSome Mostly complet e Data and figure complete4 ConclusionLittleSomeMostlyPresents main theme 4 Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Web Quest Contact Info
Oral Presentation Rubric Oral Presentation RubricBeginningAverageGoodExcellentPossiblePointSelfAssessmentTeacherAssessment ContentLittleSomeMostly Speech is clear & focused4 OrganizationLittleSomeMostly Effective beginn, main, end 4 LanguageLittleSomeMostly Words are specific & accurate4 DeliveryLittleSomeMostly Good eye contact, speed,volume4 Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Web Quest Contact Info
Project Scoring System Name Team Score Math Report Score Speech Score Overall Score Jason Rafael Jimmy Gurvinder Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Web Quest Contact Info