Militarism / Alliances / Imperialism / Nationalism MAIN causes of WW I Militarism / Alliances / Imperialism / Nationalism Spark: Archduke Ferdinand (Austria) assassinated
Germany and Austria-Hungary World War I The war began in Europe in 1914: Central Powers Germany and Austria-Hungary Allies Britain, France, and Russia.
The War Western Front: France Trench Warfare
Drop out of war in 1917 after Bolshevik Revolution Eastern Front: Russia Drop out of war in 1917 after Bolshevik Revolution
Advanced Weapons Airplane Gas Tanks
Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land”
US & the War 1914-1917: America remained neutral Why? George Washington!!!
United States enters the War Loyalty to England Why????
German “unrestricted submarine warfare” Lusitania: 1100 people dead / 120 Americans
Zimmerman Telegram Germany to ask Mexico to attack the U.S.
“To Make The World Safe For Democracy” The Yanks Are Coming! “To Make The World Safe For Democracy”
America had to MOBILIZE (get ready) for the war Mobilization America had to MOBILIZE (get ready) for the war
Get Americans “fired up” for the war Propaganda Get Americans “fired up” for the war
Victory Gardens Civilians should raise their own food, so the troops could have more
1917 – Selective Service Act 24,000,000 men registered for the draft by the end of 1918. 4,800,000 men served in WW1 400,000 African-Americans served in segregated units. 15,000 Native-Americans served as scouts,messengers, and snipers
Financing the War Liberty Bonds & Victory Bonds: Sold to the public to raise $$$ for the war
American Dissent Espionage & Sedition Act Speaking Out was a “clear & present danger” Freedom of Speech limited
11 a.m., November 11, 1918 End of WW I
Wilson’s 14 Points Wilson’s goals for the world after the war “War to end all wars!”
Principles of 14 Points Self determination Arms reduction Non punishment Free Seas No secret treaties Free trade
14th Point League of Nations Settle conflicts before they turn into war Wilson’s most important point Most controversial
Treaty of Versailles Germany League of Nations created Full blame for war Demilitarized $30 Billion bill (reparations) League of Nations created No Germany No U.S.