The Home Front What was going on inthe States? What was going on in the States?
Help out now! Selective Service Act of All men between years of age must sign up for military service. Conscription had never been required. This upset many Americans.
Government Organizes -Loyalty Acts of 1917 – ensures common goal. -Espionage Act *– punishment for helping the enemy. -Sedition Act – prohibited speech against the Government. -Trading With the Enemy Act – censure mail *later challenged and upheld by the Supreme Court Schneck v. United States (1919) clear and present danger
Government Organizes (cont) -War Industries Board (WIB) – Headed by Bernard Baruch (Wall Street Broker) - Set prices. - Controlled the flow of raw materials. Committee on Public Information (CPI) – Headed by George Creel (Journalist) - Sell the war to America. - Distribute posters and pamphlets.
What about John Q. Public? BondsBonds RationsRations Daylight SavingsDaylight Savings Victory GardensVictory Gardens
World War I Propaganda Posters
Reflection Activity Please answer the questions on your own paper. Thank You