Whirlpool Warriors Mission 5 By Cole H, Susan and Micheal
Point Water Pollution Point: water pollutants discharged from a pipe into lakes and rivers pipes Storm drains near residential- sediment, motor oils, metals, fertilizer, pet waste, litter, salt Commercial drains- sediment, motor oil, waste, litter, salt, pesticides, chemicals
Pictures Of Point Water Pollution
NonPoint Water Pollution Non point : Water pollutants carried by runoff over land and into land and river Farmland-fertilizers Commercial land use-road salt, motor oil (stores) Logging roads-sediment Residential-pet waste, pesticides, fertilizers, motor oil, road salts Livestock- pesticides, animal waste Construction- sediment, motor oil
NonPoint Water Pollution Pictures
Compare Point and Nonpoint Point source pollution is pollution that comes from a single source, such as a factory or wastewater treatment plant. The Clean Water Act put restrictions on how much and what kind of pollutants industries can dispose of in rivers and lakes. While this has not eliminated industrial or domestic waste from entering our waters completely, it has reduced what once was our biggest source of water pollution. Non-point source pollution does not have one specific source, such as a factory. Non-point source pollution comes from the cumulative effect of a region's residents going about their everyday activities, such as fertilizing a lawn or driving a car.
Water Quality Impairment Issues Physical Stream Alterations Agriculture Sediment Industrial Point Source Habitat modification Combined Sewer Modifications Municipal Point Source Construction
Water Quality Impairment Issues Pictures
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