From New Amsterdam to New York
Legend A. The Hoisting Crane. B. Southeast Bastion of Fort Amsterdam. C. White Horse Tavern. D. House, late of Dominie Bogardus, who married Anneke Jans, Norwegian. E. Old Store-House of West India Co. F. The "Five Stone Houses" of West India Co. G. Brewery of West India Co. H. House of Cornelis Pietersen. I. House of Pieter van Kouwenhoven. J. House of Jan Jansen Schepmoes. K. House of Gillis Pietersen. L. House of Eghbert von Borsum. M. House of Pieter Cornelissen van der Veen. N. House of Lambert van Valkenburgh, German. O. Schregers Hoek or Capoke. P. House of Hans Kiersted, who married Sara Rollefsen, a Norwegian. Q. Roelof Jansen Haes, a Norwegian. R. Pieter Cornelissen. S. Paulus Leendertsen van der Grift. T. New Store House of West India Co. U. Augustyn Herrman. German. V. Jacob Haes, husband of Christina Capoen Holgersen, Norwegian. W. Old Church and Lane. _____ View of the Marckveldt 1652 * Source for both the picture and the legend: Innes, J. H. New Amsterdam and Its People, New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1902.
appointed fire wardens
a paid Rattle watch of 8 men
Peter Stuyvesant’s agreement to hand New Amsterdam over to the British. 1664
the first fire engines...
public water supply...
New York: a British colony But not for long... but not for long...