The games we used to play As a child we played hundreds of interactive games which gave us hours of enjoyment; talking papers, bingo, battleships, to name.


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Presentation transcript:

The games we used to play As a child we played hundreds of interactive games which gave us hours of enjoyment; talking papers, bingo, battleships, to name but a few. In this session we look at how these games can be used in the primary classroom to promote speaking and writing skills whilst children have fun as they learn.

As we move through the session, please consider the following: Aim of activity e.g. recognition or production of language Age range suitability Alternative ways in which you can exploit the activity. Please share your thoughts with a partner at the end of each activity. Thank you!

Games are…. E _ _ a _ i _ _ (8) N _ _ s y or q _ _ _ t (10) G r _ _ t f _ n (8) L _ _ _ _ _ r s _ _ _ e f _ _ _ _ _ _ y (20) I _ _ e _ a _ _ i _ e (11) S _ r _ c _ u _ e _ (10) _ _ _ h l y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l e (15)

Games are…. E n g a g i n g N o i s y or q u i e t G r e a t f u n L e a r n e r S t y l e F r i e n d l y I n t e r a c t i v e S t r u c t u r e d H i g h l y m e m o r a b l e

Talking papers Clear demonstrations needed with game language highlighted Be aware of the level of motor skills development Can be used for any type of question forms Written and oral productive skills practice


Battleships AEIOUY G 12 J411 C232 K33 B54 V211

BINGO cat dog hamster fish snake rabbit frog bird mouse sheep pig chicken spider etc big bedroomsmall bedroombathroom loungekitchenstudy

Wordsearch numbers

Categories. Version One – brainstorming game: In teams students call out (or write down) as many animals / food items / pieces of clothing / shops, etc as they can think of. You can use a stopwatch to add to the excitement. They either get points for all their items, or for those which are different to the other teams. Good for checking understanding of lexical sets and oral / written production

. Categories Version Two - Alphabet race game Played as a team game, students in a race to complete their rows Either teacher led, or teams then play against each other Great revision game, and for pronunciation and spelling ANIMALHOBBYPLACEPEOPLEVERB b m h

Put the foodstuff into 4 categories meat peach tea cheese chicken crisps milk biscuit potato grapes cake bacon egg bread lettuce pepper

Odd one out teacher sausage purse bikini hockey

meat peach tea cheese /i:/ chicken crisps milk biscuit /I/ potato grapes cake bacon /eI/ egg bread lettuce pepper /e/

Chants and rhymes Stand up! Sit down! Walk! Stop! Turn around! Touch your head, Touch your shoulders, Touch your knees, Touch your toes, Touch your eyes, Touch your ears, Touch your mouth, Touch your nose. song....heads, shoulders, knees and toes... Hands in the air, Clap your hands, Point at the door, Sit on the floor, Sit on your chair, Touch your hair, Point at Claire, Point in the air, SUPERMAN!!! Jump up and down, Turn around, around, SSHHH, dont make a sound, Goodnight....go to sleep...WAKE UP!

Useful webpages (use the old version of word magnets)