Why We Should Have A Knowledge Of Gods Word Study, Prayer, Meditation, Christian Living etc.
IntroductionIntroduction Jn. 8:32Jn. 8:32 2 Pet. 3:182 Pet. 3:18 Knowledge of Gods Word does not come by chance but by choosing to learn.Knowledge of Gods Word does not come by chance but by choosing to learn. 2 Tim. 2:152 Tim. 2:15 Ps. 1:1-2Ps. 1:1-2 Jn. 8:32Jn. 8:32 2 Pet. 3:182 Pet. 3:18 Knowledge of Gods Word does not come by chance but by choosing to learn.Knowledge of Gods Word does not come by chance but by choosing to learn. 2 Tim. 2:152 Tim. 2:15 Ps. 1:1-2Ps. 1:1-2
1. To Save Our Souls 1 Tim. 2:41 Tim. 2:4 Jn. 8:32Jn. 8:32 1 Tim. 2:41 Tim. 2:4 Jn. 8:32Jn. 8:32
2. To Separate Sound Doctrine From False Doctrine Eph. 5:11Eph. 5:11 1 Jn. 4:11 Jn. 4:1 Eph. 5:11Eph. 5:11 1 Jn. 4:11 Jn. 4:1
3. To Serve & Worship God Acceptably Col. 3:17Col. 3:17
4. To Settle Problems Between Brethren Mt. 18:15-17Mt. 18:15-17
5. To Succeed Against The Devil Ps. 119:11Ps. 119:11 Js. 4:7-8Js. 4:7-8 Ps. 119:11Ps. 119:11 Js. 4:7-8Js. 4:7-8
6. To Speak The Truth We cannot speak that which we do not knowWe cannot speak that which we do not know 2 Tim. 2:22 Tim. 2:2 1 Pet. 4:111 Pet. 4:11 We cannot speak that which we do not knowWe cannot speak that which we do not know 2 Tim. 2:22 Tim. 2:2 1 Pet. 4:111 Pet. 4:11
7. To Defend The Truth We must take a firm stand for The TruthWe must take a firm stand for The Truth Jude 3Jude 3 1 Cor. 16:131 Cor. 16:13 We must take a firm stand for The TruthWe must take a firm stand for The Truth Jude 3Jude 3 1 Cor. 16:131 Cor. 16:13
8. To Supply Answers To Questions Answering questions is a good way to teach others the gospelAnswering questions is a good way to teach others the gospel 1 Pet. 3:151 Pet. 3:15 Answering questions is a good way to teach others the gospelAnswering questions is a good way to teach others the gospel 1 Pet. 3:151 Pet. 3:15
9. To Keep Us Faithful We must continue faithful in order to be savedWe must continue faithful in order to be saved Rev. 2:10Rev. 2:10 2 Pet. 1:5-112 Pet. 1:5-11 We must continue faithful in order to be savedWe must continue faithful in order to be saved Rev. 2:10Rev. 2:10 2 Pet. 1:5-112 Pet. 1:5-11
10. To Seek The Right Things In Life We want to make right choices in this life; choices that will please our heavenly FatherWe want to make right choices in this life; choices that will please our heavenly Father Mt. 6:33Mt. 6:33 Col. 3:1-3Col. 3:1-3 We want to make right choices in this life; choices that will please our heavenly FatherWe want to make right choices in this life; choices that will please our heavenly Father Mt. 6:33Mt. 6:33 Col. 3:1-3Col. 3:1-3
ConclusionConclusion Jn. 12:48Jn. 12:48
ConclusionConclusion Rom. 1:16-17Rom. 1:16-17 Eph. 6:17Eph. 6:17 Rom. 1:16-17Rom. 1:16-17 Eph. 6:17Eph. 6:17