Lesson 24: We Believe in God the Father
What would you mean if you said to a pilot, “I trust you”? Who are some people you trust? Why? Who are some you don’t? Why?
So, what do we mean when we say we believe in God the Father? Another word for “trust” is BELIEVE. This lesson is about trusting or believing in God… So, what do we mean when we say we believe in God the Father? Let’s take a look…
Aim: What do we mean when we say that we believe in God the Father? 1) When we believe (or have faith) in God, it means that three things are true of us. What are they? John 17:1-3 Believing (having faith) means that we know the true God.
Many people have many gods – buddha, wooden figures, allah, siva, ganesha, vishnu - But none of those people really believe in the true God, our heavenly Father since these gods are figments of their imagination.
Aim: What do we mean when we say that we believe in God the Father? 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Believing (having faith) means that we accept only the Bible as God’s Word.
Many religions have many “sacred” scriptures – many of which claim that the Bible is part of God’s Word too. There is only one sacred Scripture however, and those who hold to works which are contrary to the Bible cannot claim to truly believe in the Bible.
Aim: What do we mean when we say that we believe in God the Father? Matthew 8:15-13 To believe (have faith) is to trust that God’s promises are all true.
Though they were as good as “dead” as far as having children… Abraham believed God could keep his promise to bring forth a child from them and for them. He believed the impossible. That’s true faith.
Though we were as good as “dead” as far as temporal or eternal life… We too believe, like Abraham, that our Father will do the impossible through Jesus Christ and bring us back from the dead to live with him forever.
Key Point 1: The three things that are true of us if we believe (have faith in God) are that we know God, accept the Bible, and trust all his promises.
Evaluate: When asked whether they believe in God, many people are quite willing to say, “Well, I know there is a God.”
Agree or Disagree: Because faith means accepting the Bible as God’s Word, God wants us to work hard to convince people that this is true.
Your friend’s dad just lost his job Your friend’s dad just lost his job. Your other close friend has been ill for quite some time. Which promises of God can you share with them?
Aim: What do we mean when we say that we believe in God the Father? 2 What do we mean when we confess that we believe in God “the Father”? Malachi 2:10 We call God the Father because he created us.
How much more doesn’t God deserve the title of Father then! We call them Mom and Dad – Mother and Father – because we came from them and they care for us so much. At least, the good ones do. How much more doesn’t God deserve the title of Father then!
Aim: What do we mean when we say that we believe in God the Father? Galatians 3:26 God is also our Father through our faith in Jesus. (sons and daughters, faith)
Adopted children can feel all the more special because their parents went to great lengths to adopt them… God also went through a special “adoption procedure” to have us as his children. It actually cost him the blood of his only Son! What love!
Aim: What do we mean when we say that we believe in God the Father? John 20:17 God is also the Father of Jesus.
At Jesus’ baptism, the Father said, “You are my Son, whom I love.”
Key Point 2: We call God the Father because he created us and because he is our Father through faith in Jesus.
Evaluate: Mormon, Muslim, or heathen – all are created by God so I can call them my brothers and sisters. In a sense it’s true, but usually we use that speech for those who are one in the faith.
Suppose ten years from now you’re married but have no children Suppose ten years from now you’re married but have no children. What advantages are there in adopting? For both you and the child, especially in light of the Father adopting us…
Aim Answered: When I say that I believe in God the Father, I am saying that I know the true God as my Father whose promises I can trust.