Finding out about the past Historians study the written word. Historians study the written word. Archaeologists study pre-history. Archaeologists study pre-history. Pre-history is the study of history before the written word was invented. Pre-history is the study of history before the written word was invented.
How can we find out about the past? List sources of information about the past To find out what everyday objects can tell us about the past To imagine what archaeologists might think about the contents of my bedroom! Aims
Sources of evidence When historians study the past they use two types of evidence: primary & secondary. Primary is evidence that is directly from the time, e.g. an eyewitness account from a soldier who fought in world war one. Primary is evidence that is directly from the time, e.g. an eyewitness account from a soldier who fought in world war one. Secondary evidence is an indirect link to the past. It is produced later and relies on earlier evidence, e.g. a history book or a modern film. Secondary evidence is an indirect link to the past. It is produced later and relies on earlier evidence, e.g. a history book or a modern film.
Primary or Secondary? Internet Internet Libraries Libraries TV & radio programs TV & radio programs Relatives Relatives Newspapers Newspapers Films Films Songs Songs Churches Churches Everyday objects in museums Clothing and costumes Battle sites Historical monuments – castles, country houses etc Graveyards
What can a room tell us about the past?
Your task Your task In your hardback copy list as many objects as you can remember in your bedroom. In your hardback copy list as many objects as you can remember in your bedroom. What can these objects tell future historians about life today? What can these objects tell future historians about life today? Which of these objects is the most useful in finding out about the past? Which of these objects is the most useful in finding out about the past?
Homework Homework Finish your task in your hardback copy. Finish your task in your hardback copy. Answer the following questions. Answer the following questions. What is a primary source of evidence? Give two examples. What is a primary source of evidence? Give two examples. What is a secondary source of evidence? Give two examples What is a secondary source of evidence? Give two examples Homework is due on Friday. Homework is due on Friday.