Why We Grow The Folsom Point approach to Church Growth
We Grow by Outreach Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35 Our aim is to teach the gospel to as many as possible in the greater Sacramento area in the shortest amount of time.
We Grow by Overflow What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. II Timothy 2:2 We reject programs that have no lasting value. We believe growth is the direct result of immersion in the word of God and consistent communion with God in prayer.
We Grow by Becoming a Magnetic Fellowship Luke 8:4-15, esp. v. 15; Acts 17:11 If we are a true New Testament church, noble- hearted people will want to come here. When our worship demonstrates an enthusiastic love for the Lord, noble-hearted people will want to come here. When the ambience is one of love and truth, noble-hearted people will want to come here.
We Grow by Emulating Noah We do not minimize the baptism of the children of our members. Reaching out while failing to reach within makes no sense. With ~100 children, our first priority ishigh chair evangelism. How many churches have 100 baptisms in ten years? If we only baptize our children...
We Grow… Outreach Overflow Magnetic Fellowship Noahs Example