Matthew 7:24-27
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God Person/Work of Christ the Son
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God Person/Work of Christ the Son Person/Work of the Holy Spirit
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God Person/Work of Christ the Son Person/Work of the Holy Spirit Mans Creation/Fall
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God Person/Work of Christ the Son Person/Work of the Holy Spirit Mans Creation/Fall Salvation
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God Person/Work of Christ the Son Person/Work of the Holy Spirit Mans Creation/Fall Salvation The Ordinances
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God Person/Work of Christ the Son Person/Work of the Holy Spirit Mans Creation/Fall Salvation The Ordinances The Church
Bible Person/Work of God the Father God Person/Work of Christ the Son Person/Work of the Holy Spirit Mans Creation/Fall Salvation The Ordinances The Church Events of the End Times
We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, to be the verbally inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God.
Inspired= that which is breathed out by God. Inerrant = the Scriptures are always right (do not err) in fulfilling their purpose
infallible= without fallacy not capable of error
Men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit to record precisely the words that God intended.
It is without error in the original writings.
The Bible is God's complete written revelation of Himself and His will for the salvation of mankind,
and is the final authority for Christian faith and life.
Psalms 19:7-9
Matthew 5:18
John 17:17
2 Timothy 3:14-17
2 Peter 1:20-21
So What?
The Consequences of Denying Infallible, Verbal Inspiration We Are Left without Any Reliable Source of Authority or Guidance in Religion.
The Consequences of Denying Infallible, Verbal Inspiration We Begin a Course of Continual Rejection of Bible Teachings.
The Consequences of Denying Infallible, Verbal Inspiration We Deny the Claims of the Bible Writers, Necessarily Implying they Are Liars or False Teachers.
We Deny that Jesus Is God's Divine Son and Make Him too a False Teacher. The Consequences of Denying Infallible, Verbal Inspiration
We Bring the Curse of God on Ourselves. The Consequences of Denying Infallible, Verbal Inspiration