Why We Learn Spanish Statistics
Spanish is the second most popular language in the world Chinese=1,213,000,000 Spanish= 329,000,000 English =328,000,000 Source- ethnologue.com h h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// eeee tttt hhhh nnnn oooo llll oooo gggg uuuu eeee.... cccc oooo mmmm //// eeee tttt hhhh nnnn oooo ____ dddd oooo cccc ssss //// dddd iiii ssss tttt rrrr iiii bbbb uuuu tttt iiii oooo nnnn.... aaaa ssss pppp ???? bbbb yyyy ==== ssss iiii zzzz eeee
Spanish Countries There are 21 official Spanish speaking counties There are 21 official Spanish speaking counties There are 24 countries with Spanish as a 2 nd language There are 24 countries with Spanish as a 2 nd language Source: speaking.html Source: speaking.htmlwww.magistral-mba.com/listofs- speaking.htmlwww.magistral-mba.com/listofs- speaking.html
The US has over 25 million Spanish speaking people. California is 1 st and has 9,588,622 California is 1 st and has 9,588,622 Maine is 48 th and has 12,576 Maine is 48 th and has 12,576 Source pop-people-spanish-speaking-population Source pop-people-spanish-speaking-population pop-people-spanish-speaking-population pop-people-spanish-speaking-population
Spain has 40 Million Spanish speaking people Mexico has more with 93.7 million people Mexico has more with 93.7 million people Source speaking.html Source speaking.htmlwww.magistral-mba.com/listofs- speaking.htmlwww.magistral-mba.com/listofs- speaking.html
The largest Spanish speaking countries are… Mexico city Mexico – 8,658,576 Mexico city Mexico – 8,658,576 Bogota Colombia – 7,353,4944 Bogota Colombia – 7,353,4944 Lima Peru – 7,186,000 Lima Peru – 7,186,000 Santiago Chile – 4,656,690 Santiago Chile – 4,656,690 Madrid Spain – 3,228,359 Madrid Spain – 3,228,359 Source Source gcity
This presentation is by Tyler A. Peter K. Joel S, Derek D. Emily C. And Andrew A.