Oix Zuqc Mbenc Ziangx Must Be Ready


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Presentation transcript:

Oix Zuqc Mbenc Ziangx Must Be Ready Matv^taai 25:1-13  Matthew 25:1-13

"Tin-Hungh daaih zoux Ziouv gunv mienh wuov zanc, beiv ziepc dauh sieqv-dorn bouh jienv youh dang cuotv mingh zipv siang-laangh nor. 2 Wuov deix sieqv-dorn, maaih biaa dauh hngongx, maaih biaa dauh guai. 3 Hngongx wuov deix, bouh jienv dang mingh mv baac maiv dorh youh mingh mbungh. "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.

4 Guai wuov deix, bouh jienv dang aengx zorqv youh dapv baengh dorh jienv mingh. 5 Wuov deix sieqv-dorn zuov lauh nyei, maiv buatc siang-laangh daaih ziouc m'njormh da'hngatv, ziang naaic m'njormh nzengc. 6 "Taux ndaamv muonz, maaih qiex heuc jienv gorngv, 'Siang-laangh taux aav loh! Daaih zipv ninh aqv.‘ 7 "Wuov deix ziepc dauh sieqv-dorn nyie daaih liuc leiz ninh mbuo nyei dang. 4 The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. 6 "At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!‘ 7 "Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.

8 Hngongx wuov deix mbuox guai wuov deix, 'Tov bun deix youh yie mbuo 8 Hngongx wuov deix mbuox guai wuov deix, 'Tov bun deix youh yie mbuo. Yie mbuo nyei dang aav lamh daic aqv.' 9 "Guai wuov deix dau, 'Gamh nziex youh maiv gaux bun meih mbuo caux yie mbuo lomh nzoih longc. Meih mbuo oix zuqc mingh wuov maaic youh nyei dorngx maaiz.' 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out. 9 "No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.”

10 "Hngongx wuov deix sieqv-dorn ziouc mingh maaiz youh maiv gaengh nzuonx, siang-laangh taux daaih aqv. Liuc leiz ziangx wuov deix biaa dauh ziouc gan jienv siang-laangh bieqc mingh nyanc cing-jaa-hnaangx. Gaengh ziouc guon jienv aqv. 11 "Nqa'haav hngongx wuov deix sieqv-dorn taux daaih ziouc heuc, 'Domh Gorx aac, Domh Gorx! Koi gaengh bun yie mbuo bieqc oc.' 10 "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. 11 "Later the others also came. 'Sir! Sir!' they said. 'Open the door for us!'

12 "Siang-laangh dau, 'Yie gorngv zien nyei, yie maiv hiuv duqv meih mbuo. "13 Yesu aengx gorngv setv mueiz waac, "Hnangv naaic, meih mbuo oix zuqc ging hnyouv mbungh jienv, weic zuqc meih mbuo maiv hiuv duqv wuov norm hnoi, wuov norm ziangh hoc. 12 "But he replied, 'I tell you the truth, I don't know you. 13 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

 BIUX MENGH WAAC INTRODUCTION Naaiv zaang Ging-Sou se biux mengh mbuox mbuo oix zuqc mbenc ziangx zuov jienv Ziouv Yesu aengx, se gorngv mbuo maiv mbenc ziangx nor, mbuo haih piatv mingh hnangv wuov deix biaa dauh hngongx nyei sieqv-dorn yang nor. Weic haaix diuc mbuo oix zuqc mbenc ziangx? Weic zuqc mbuo nyei lungh ndiev se maaih waaic camv haic, maaih ziex nyungc jaav nyei jauv haih nduov mbuo leih go Tin-Hungh, yaac haih nduov mbuo mingh dorngc jauv. This chapter of Bible, demonstrated to us, we must get ready for our Lord Jesus return. If we do not get ready, we will be like the five virgins, who missed the wedding banquet. Why do we have to get ready? Because we live in the bad world in our day, we can easily apostate. There are many bad things in our society, it can lead us away from God.

I. WE MUST BE CAREFUL BECAUSE WE CAN EASILY APOSTASY 1. Mbuo oix zuqc hoqc mangc (E^se^ken 3:17), weic zuqc mbuo haih hungh heic mingh dorngc jauv – 1 Ko^lin^to 9:27. Saadaan haaix zanc yaac cienh jienv lorz qiangx nduov sienx fim mau nyei Giduc Mienh oix mietc ninh mbuo – 1 Bide 5:8. We must learn to watch (Ezekiel 3:17), because one can easily take steps into unfaithfulness and apostasy – I Corinthians 9:27. The devil is always seeking and looking for a weakness Christian and wants to destroy them – I Peter 5:8.

2. Meih caux yie oix zuqc maiv dingh liouh nyei zoux gong ceix mbuo nyei sienx fim caux oix zuqc ziepc zuoqv hnyouv maiv dungx bungx lorx. Mbuo qiemx zuqc oix zuqc hiuv duqv mbuo hnoi-hnoi caux Tin-Hungh maaih jiu tong nyei jauv – Fi^lipv^poi 2:12. You and I must continually work on being faithful and not to waiver. We need to daily make sure were keeping our relationship right with God – Philippians 2:12. 3. Meih duqv longc nzengc hnyouv zoux yaac mangc dingc, caux mbenc ziangx meih nyei maengc daaih buangh Yesu yiem siemv zuiz nyei hnoi, fai meih zoux buv longh buv dangv nyei sic caux Tin-Hungh nyei hatc lingc jiuv a’nziaauc fai? Bun mbuo daaih zaah mangc gaax naaiv deix 10 dauh sieqv-dorn yang nyei jauv, meih ganh dau naaiv deix waac yiem – Matv^taai 25:1-13. Are you focusing on watching, working, and preparing your life to face Jesus at judgment, or are you foolishly playing around with God and His commandments? Let us examine the parable of the 10 virgins, to answer this question for yourself in Matthew 25:1-13.

II. THE FOOLISH TOOK THEIR LAMPS, AND TOOK NO OIL WITH THEM 1. Mienh hngongx mienh nyei juoqc setv se maiv maaih hnyouv hnamv taux wuov ndaangc nyei sic, yaac maiv zorng-mbenc weic mbungh zinh hoz nyei jauv, maiv maaih wuonh zaang, maiv mengh baeqc taux zinh hoz nyei jauv, oix zuqc samx mangc yaac dingc hnyouv zorng-mbenc weic tengx ganh duqv longx nyei jauv –Singx Nzung 14:1. Hngongx nyei sieqv-dorn yang maiv jaa-ndaangc mbenc ziangh weic jiepv sih nyei youh, dongh ninh mbuo mingh cing-jaa-yinh nyei ziangh hoc – Matv^taai 25:3,6-9. Foolishness is characterized by lack of forethought and caution, lack of knowledge and understanding to discern, judge, and make decisions to your benefit – Psalm 14:1. The five unwise virgins did not think to prepare themselves properly to attend the wedding and when an emergency oil, they were ill prepared and shut out of the wedding – Matthew 25:3, 6-9. 

2. Hngongx nyei sieqv-dorn-yang biux mengh taux maiv guen maiv sic nyei mienh. Ninh mbuo maiv zoux gong ceix ninh mbuo nyei sienx fim, ninh mbuo nyei cai-doix, caux ninh mbuo nyei hmuangv doic nyei maengc. Ninh mbuo maiv mingh hei maaiz gaux youh weic ninh mbuo nyei dang weic cing-jaa-yinh. Zien leiz nyei Singx Lingh njaaux mbuo taux lueic nyei fiem-fingx se benx maiv maaih wuonh zaang yiem mengh baec nyei jauv zoux nyei sic se benx hei nyei gorn-ndoqv dorh mbuo mingh taux zuqc mietc nyei jauv – Cong-Mengh Waac 18:9; Cong-Mengh Waac 21:25; Gorngv Seix Zangc 10:18. The unwise virgins showed inactivity and slothfulness. They didn’t do the work to build their faith, their marriage, and family. They did not go to the store and buy enough oil for their lamps to be prepared for the wedding. The Spirit of truth teaches us slothfulness is characterized by one having lack of understanding for the necessity of work which will lead to decay and destruction – Proverbs 18:9;Proverbs 21:25; Ecclesiastes 10:18. 

3. Maiv maaih zorng-mbenc nyei jauv se biux mengh taux maiv maaih cong-mengh nyei mienh, maiv hiuv duqv oix zuqc zorng-mbenc ziangx weic yietc liuz caux Tin-Hungh yiem nyei jauv, se benx mienh hngongx mienh maiv muangx Tin-Hungh njaaux nyei waac, zoux bun ganh zuqc mietc, dorh ganh mingh taux daic nyei dorngx, se hnangv Noyaa nyei lungh ndiev nyei mienh nor – Matv^taai 24:37-39. Maaih mienh camv nyei maiv mbenc, haaix zanc Yesu daaih dingc baamh gen mienh nyei zuiz, se hnangv hngongx nyei wuov deix sieqv-dorn nor, weic maiv duqv mbenc ziangx, gaengh ziouc guon jienv ninh mbuo maiv duqv bieqc cing-jaa yinh aqv – Matv^taai 25:10-13. A deficiency of judgment to be unprepared for eternity with God is a mark of having no understanding, and inability to discern correctly the Word of God that will lead to destruction of the foolish and disobedient, as Noah’s day – Matthew 24:37-39 . Many will be unprepared, when Jesus returns to judge the world, just like the unwise virgins were unprepared and shut out of the marriage – Matthew 25:10-13.

 III. THE WISE TOOK OIL IN THEIR VESSELS WITH THEIR LAMPS 1. Cong-mengh se benx longx nyei jauv bun dongh hoqc hiuv duqv gamh nziex Ziouv nyei mienh wuov deix, duqv zipv yaac muangx Tin-Hungh njaaux nyei waac caux ninh nyei lingc – Cong-Mengh Waac 4:7. Dongh guai nyei wuov deix biaa dauh cong-mengh nyei sieqv-dorn-yang, ninh mbuo hiuv duqv ninh mbuo mingh cing-jaa yinh, liuz ninh mbuo ziouc mbenc ziangx daaih mingh, ninh mbuo yaac maiv bun ninh mbuo nyei youh hngongx wuov deix – Matv^taai 25:4, 8-9. Wisdom is embodied in people who learn to fear the Lord, and those that receive and obey God’s instructions and commandments – Proverbs 4:7. The five wise virgins knew they were going to the wedding, so they prepared themselves that they might be ready to go to the wedding, and didn’t give their oil to the unwise – Matthew 25:4,8-9.  

2. Dongh maiv guai nyei sieqv-dorn-yang qiemx zuqc taux cing-jaa yinh yiem dingc daaih nyei ziangh hoc, mv baac ninh mbuo mbenc maiv ziangx – Matv^taai 25:10-14. Haaix zanc gaengh guon nyei ziangh hoc, meih qiemx zuqc mingh taux Yesu wuov mi’aqv, hnangv naaic, meih oix zuqc mbenc ziangx, yaac mangc jienv, yaac zoux jienv gong mingh, zuov jienv buangh Ninh. The unwise virgins needed to be at the marriage at the appointed time in order to enjoy the blessing of the wedding, but they were not ready – Matthew 25:10-14. When the door is shut, you need to be in Christ, watching, working, and ready to meet Him.

3. Hnamv nyei Giduc gox-youz aac, se gorngv meih mbuo maiv duqv mbenc ziangx daaih buangh Yesu nor, meih oix zuqc hoqc saauv meih nyei hnoi, se gorngv ih hnoi doix zuqc benx meih nyei nqa’haav-laai hnoi nor –Singx Nzung 90:12. Se gorngv meih mbuo corc benx zuiz-mienh, caux Tin-Hungh bun nqoi, meih oix zuqc mbenc meih ganh yaac muangx Yesu Giduc nyei kuv fienx, yaac oix zuqc goiv hnyouv nzuonx daaih lorz ninh, bun ninh sortv guangc meih nyei zuiz mingh. Dear Christian friends, if you’re not prepared to meet Jesus, it’s time to learn to number each day as if it were your last –Psalm 90:12. If you’re a sinner, separated from God, you need to prepare yourself and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, and you need to repent from your sin and believe on Jesus Christ, let Him wipe out your sin.

Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion: Ih hnoi nyei Ging-Sou mbuox mbuo oix zuqc mbenc ziangx mbungh jienv zuov Yesu aengx daaih nyei ziangh hoc, caux jaav nyei jauv, waaic sic nyei jauv. Se gorngv mbuo maiv mbenc ziangx nor, mbuo haih zuqc njaaux jaav leiz nyei mienh nduov mbuo mingh dorngc jauv, caux mbuo yaac haih leih go zien leiz. Today’s scripture tells us to get ready for Christ’s return, and for false doctrine and bad things. If we do not get ready, we can be deceived by false teacher, and we can get away from the truth.