CITIZENSHIP PROJECT DUE DECEMBER 1 st ! You must tell me what youre doing by the end of THIS week! Interviews MUST have contact information too!
ARE WE FREE? Abolition North vs. South Mob Action
Live Footage… Watch carefully… it goes fast! Answer on your note sheet (ignore the parts with an A)
William Lloyd Garrison Circle one: He is a… abolitionist/ slave /plantation owner Wants Complete & Total Abolition of Slavery Wrote ANTI slavery newspaper –The Liberator
Fredrick Douglas Son of a slave & a white man Bought his freedom for $600 from British Began the Civil Rights Movement What Up
Harriet tubs Tubman check all that apply: Passionate leader of abolition Abolitionist Guide on the Underground RR Former Slave Tubs Moses Bring it Chumps! Spy, Scout Brutally beaten - shows fierceness of AA Continued to be a spy for the Union (n) army! Helps start the UGRR!
Underground R. R. 1850s Secret pathways for slaves to escape to the north. Tubs = Conductor (but others too) Timid slaves found courage w/ her. By ,000 Slaves escaped!
How did they find their way?!? Code Phrases: Heaven: Canada. Load of Potatoes: Fugitive slaves the farmers would hide under the crops in their wagons. Baggage: Fugitive slaves carried by the Underground Railroad worker "The wind blows from the South today": This told UGRR workers that there were fugitive slaves in the area. With these words they were able to RUNAWAY From slavery
Drinking Gourd: The North Star. "The river bank makes a mighty good road": This told slaves that if they were to try and escape, they should walk in the river because dogs couldn't track their scents through water. "The dead trees will show you the way": A reminder to slaves that, if the North Star wasn't visible, moss grew only on the north side of dead trees, so they could tell which way to walk. "Left foot, peg foot": Footprints left by a wooden-legged UGRR worker as guidelines to the path to freedom. "The river ends between two hills": Visual directions to the Ohio River Also…Songs!FOLLOW THE DRINKING GOURD
When the sun comes back, and the first Quail calls, Follow the drinking gourd, For the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd. The riverbank will make a very good road, The dead trees show you the way. Left foot, peg foot traveling on, Following the drinking gourd. Follow the drinking gourd, Follow the drinking gourd, For the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd. The river ends between two hills, Follow the drinking gourd, There's another river on the other side, Follow the drinking gourd. Follow the drinking gourd, Follow the drinking gourd, For the old man is waiting to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd. Where the great big river meets the little river, Follow the drinking gourd. For the old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd.
If the North is AGAINST slavery…. why didnt they all help runaway slaves?!?
Reason 1 Fugitive Slave Laws: yrs in jail or killed.
CREAM! Reason #2 :
Neck Hairs Back & The Country Starts to divide even more… The present condition of the 2 races reversed, They and their Northern allies are the MASTERS, and we the SLAVES. John C. Calhoun (Senator South Carolina) We are divorced North from South…because we HATED each other so. – Mary Chestnut
What happened in Alton, IL?
First Time White Guy killed for Slavery! Elijah P. Lovejoy would NOT stop printing Life Threatened Mob of Pro-slavery followers attacked him Killed Lovejoy & dumped him (and his printing press) into the river WHY DID HE DIE? Cause hes…
the Norths reaction to Lovejoys death : MAD! Not a White Guy!?!? TONS in N turning abolitionist now! Will Mobs take over!?!? You Took this too far Southerners! Elijah was WHITE! And my Friend! You & your mobs better watch your back!
Southern Reaction: 2 different ones #1 Ha Ha! Yankees! #2 Oh Crap! We killed a white dude…. (ps…Im crying)
JOHN BROWN devotes his life to the Consecration of Slavery?
John Brown : aka: pyscho abolitionist! NOT Abe Lincoln but a time bomb! Remember me, I do some pretty messed up stuff in a couple of years!
The North & South are on the Verge of War…
3-2-1 on note card before you leave 3: People you learned about today & 1 thing they did 2: code words or phrases used in UGRR 1: thing you like about us history