Sunday, 07 May 2006 Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely OASIS Symposium San Francisco May 2006 Hans. A. Kielland Aanesen Svein Tore Johnsen Norway.


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Presentation transcript:

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely OASIS Symposium San Francisco May 2006 Hans. A. Kielland Aanesen Svein Tore Johnsen Norway

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely TTQ-project: PS & QA program: The TOSS-Use case ( T rade O n S eafood S afely ) SOA based PSQA program for: - Food - Finance - Health - Construction - etc

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Phases in a Seafood Supply- Chain Product= Trading Partners Computer systems CaptureLandingShippingReception Transport ConsumePlanning Role based eFolders In SUPER PORTALS eFolder-engine: Dynamic Forms/Templates ( Semantic Web services + ebXML ) SOA usecase: From Capture to Table

Sunday, 07 May 2006 eFolder-Engine organize and handle service work and reporting SOA eFolder Basis-templates eFolder-Engine organize and handle service work and reporting FrontOffice: (Service Desk) eFolder Container: ( The Folders access content from several SERVERS ) Phase Steeringcard Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Content card Handles and organize all the Documents, Drawings, Audio/Video-files, Condition Monitoring data etc in the folder. Steering functions Workflow card Support to manage work- processes and business logic.. (Rule Controlled Process Flow) Steering card: Arbeidsmappe ( Opprettes når ny bruker eller ny process ) Arbeidsmappe ( Opprettes når ny bruker eller ny process ) Working Folder Contain everything a user needs in real time work. All Working Folders are divided into phases Related to progress. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Work card (Service card) Def. of manual instructions In a working process. Includes inspection and reports. Role Service + User ID Single Sign-On (PKI) portal: (Security Domains) Product=

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Adapted Work-Folders in User Environment Tracing and Quality Control in the Supply Chain of “Fresh seafood” Integrated Planning/Description/Reporting work using PDA-phones. Role authentication with Digital signature or SMS

Sunday, 07 May 2006 TOA Technology driven - ebXML - Semantic Web Services Banks Transactions Trading partners in Supply Chain for fresh seafood Processing “Steering cards” ( Dynamic Forms/Templates ) SOA Service driven ( Templates ) Mirroring technology on business centric (semantic) terms and processes. eFolders Processing of “Steering cards” ( New way of SW Engineering) FrontOffice Service Desk Roles/Actors Product=

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Motivation Time People Specifications Schema Workflow Contract Directory Services Presentation Artifact relationships Data/Codes Services/Functions Network Source: OASIS BCM Lubash Pyramid Core Components Core Components WSDL XForms Transport Routing, Packaging Transport Routing, Packaging Collaboration Partner Agreements- CPA Collaboration Partner Agreements- CPA MSH SOAP Messages Roles Collaboration Partner Profiles - CPP Collaboration Partner Profiles - CPP Nouns Events Template engine Rules Verbs C ontent A ssembly M echanism - CAM C ontent A ssembly M echanism - CAM BP Specification Schema BPSS BP Specification Schema BPSS Process Semantic Interoperability Standards Stack (OASIS- CAM, BCM, SAML, ebSOA, BPEL …………………. ) eFolder Templates : Organizing and Orchestrating Loosely coupled applications (ebXML, WS) Product=

Sunday, 07 May 2006 The new Hybrid way of doing Service Centric SW Engineering ( P latform I ndependent M odeling Design Factories ) Installation Implementation /Use Needs Requirements Procurement Users: Business related - Service receivers - Service handlers Agile INTERACTIVE Modeling in real-time by help of TEMPLATES Adoption, integration C ommunity o f I nterest TEMPLATE registers TEMPLATE = f( WS,ebXML) Shared and Persistent DATA T echnology O riented A rchitecture (Bottom Up: PROPRIETARY+OPEN standards) S ervice O riented A rchitecture (Top Down: Business Centric OPEN INCLUSIVE integration standards) eFolder Templates: CATALOG services Exposing the Loosely coupled applications: WS ebXML STATIC reusable conventional Models WSDL,UMM,UML,XML Analysis Design Coding Test Maintenance SW Developers: Technocrats Specification TEMPLATE PROCESSING: BCM/CAM with eFolders

Sunday, 07 May 2006 eFolder + WS/ebXML + Registry/Repository : Content card Workflow card Work card (Service card). : Working eFolder. Role WS/ebXML client Messageing: User: HTML eFolder based Super Portal: WSDL WS Repositories Service provideres: ( Information Owners in Legacy & Expert systems ) ebXML WS Repositories XML Exposing services Template Registry UDDI WS Registries ebXML Registries Public Service Catalogues: XML

Sunday, 07 May 2006 TraceFish Chain (standard schemas) Tracing of captured fish phases and role assignment CATALOG services WS ebXML Product= Traders (from Logical View) Prosessors (from Logical View) Fishing vessels (from Logical View) Vessel landing Businesses (from Logical View) Auction Markets (from Logical View) Storers (from Logical View) Transporters (from Logical View) Caterers (from Logical View) Retailers (from Logical View) Tracing Wholesalers (from Logical View) Tracing Repository Tracing Schemas (from Logical View) Tracing schemas( xsd xml) : Content card Workflow card Work card (Service card). : Working Folder. Role eFolder Container

Sunday, 07 May 2006 TraceFish Chain (focus on standard schemas from the phases in the valuechain) Tracing of farmed fish CATALOG services WS ebXML Product= Breeders (from Logical View) Live Fish (from Logical View) Transporters (from Logical View) Storers (from Logical View) Retailers (from Logical View) Fish Feed Producers (from Logical View) Prosessors (from Logical View) Fish Farms (from Logical View) Hatcheries (from Logical View) Tracing schemas( xsd xml) Repository Tracing Schemas (from Logical View) : Content card Workflow card Work card (Service card). : Working Folder. Role eFolder Container

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Fishing Business Package B2B between actors ebXML Repository CATALOG services WS ebXML Product= Voila a reusable modular Fishing Business Package TraceFish Chain (from Logical View) Other (from Logical View) Bank (from Logical View) Public Authority (from Logical View) Arena for B2B Collaboration CPAs,BPSSs,Docs.. …. : Content card Workflow card Work card (Service card). : Working Folder. Role eFolder Container

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Two Business Cases (projects) Under the TOSS umbrella Business-Case 1: Business-Case 2: Automated electronic trade of seafood. Focus: Perform and document all business transactions Tracing through whole supply chain back to origin Focus: Quality, legal capture, business transactions Business Case1 is dependant on Business Case 2 to be able to document the business transactions Product=

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Business Reference model UMM (UN/CEFACT) sheets (Templates) helps in integrating different business Models….. UMM sheets for: Business Domain modelling Business Requirement Modelling Business Transaction Modelling UMM sheets are very simple to understand, and filling in UMM sheets can be understood by a Business person. But UMM sheets are only a part of a Business Reference Model To plan and create realistic Business Cases Planning Support is very important Business Context PLANNING & DESIGN TOOLS: I: eFolder Constructors Service Part Product= CATALOG services WS ebXML ebXML Registry

Sunday, 07 May 2006 Business Modelling with UMM (UMM integrates different business models) Business Processes B2B processes Business Processes Use results from UMM To model business processes. Eg. Porter, eTOM Use results from UMM To model business processes. Eg. Zacman, SCOR ebXML Defined by UN/CEFACT

Sunday, 07 May 2006 And ebXML supports the exchange of different payloads on the technical level

Sunday, 07 May 2006 But ebXML Implementation and Operation needs to be automated Automated search and eContract establishement ( Depended on planning) Role based Simulation for training needs in PLANNING & DESIGN TOOLS:

Sunday, 07 May 2006 eFolder based Superportals Makes Interoperability among competing frameworks : –Apache SOAP / ZOPE: Open Source –. NET Microsoft –ONE Open Net Environment Sun –WebSphere IBM BEA –WebLogic BEA SAP –MySAP SAP Apple –. MAC Apple – etc

Sunday, 07 May 2006 eFolder Templates => Shifting Power to Business EXPERTS eFolders Processing Dynamic Forms/Templates