We Enter WWI Selective Service Young men between 21-30 must register with the local draft board Now 18-45 ½ of the men who served in the war were drafted Many men gain citizenship by fighting
Mobilization Training camps hastily built Conservation of resources Herbert Hoover heads up Food Administration: Wheatless Wednesdays-Meatless Mondays By 1917 the first troops leave for France Convoy system to avoid German U-boats
America’s Industrial Greatness War Industries Board Works to keep production at peek output National War Labor Board: Mediates disputes between labor and management Unions grow during this period The Work Force Grows during this period
Women and African Americans Enter the Workforce Many women enter the workforce to fill vacancies left by men leaving for war The Great Migration Begins: Movement of African Americans from the South to the North to find work in Northern factories. These workers filled many jobs left vacant by troops leaving for the war.