Why should we…? The reasoning behind some of the RCS Auditing Standards.
Have Emergency Evacuation procedures for clerical offices/sites? Why should we…
Provide HazCom training?
Why should we… Inquire about LockOut/TagOut procedures when talking to our clients?
Why should we… Conduct Follow-up Site Evaluations at prescribed intervals?
Why should we… Review and document ergonomics as part of the worksite evaluation?
Why should we… Document safety training in clerical and industrial environments? Is there a practical way to accomplish this?
Why should we… Assure supervised transport to the treating facility and be present with injured employees at a treating facility?
Why should we… Have access to a log of accidents in branch locations if a log is kept at the corporate office?
Why should we… Hold quarterly risk management meetings? What documentation is required? What constitutes a meeting?
Why should we… Apply the NCCI code for the business rather than the assignment?