NHS R&D Jessica Bisset Acting Research Operations Manager UH Bristol
When do I need NHS R&D Approval? If you are planning on carrying out your research on: NHS premises NHS staff NHS patients Then you will need NHS R&D approval. *If your study is multi-site you will need R&D approval at each site where above applies* For non-NHS sites, it is still the responsibility of the REC to undertake the site specific assessment – information on this is available on the NRES website.
SSA to SSI… What was Site Specific Assessment? From 1th April 2009 Site Specific Assessment (SSA) was transferred to NHS R&D offices. Why? It made sense! Integrated into R&D governance reviews
Isnt it duplication? What we look for: Local feasibility of the study running at our Trust. SAFETY of our patients Appropriate funding (we do not have a pot of money to support new research!) How is fits into our existing portfolio of studies Appropriateness of research team Monitoring arrangements Support departments ability to deliver the trial Patient population – success of the trial to time and target
Our risk assessment Logistics of running the study All other appropriate approvals are in place – MHRA, HTA, GTAC etc.. Data protection issues (not only for patient safety but to protect the Trust from financial penalties) Insurance/indemnity arrangements – NHSLA covers majority of NHS lead research – would expect University insurance to be in place Local arrangements – emergency arrangements at Trust, interpreters etc.. Not only assessing risk – looking at feasibility and facilitating the research happening at the Trust. We are here to help!
Our risk assessment
How to apply? On IRAS: When you create your project you will be asked to complete filter questions. How you answer these will determine the rest of the questions asked in the full data set and which forms are populated out of this. You will therefore need to tick…
What do we need from you?
R&D form, SSI form and all local supporting documents to each R&D office.
When to submit.. DO not submit before contacting your relevant R&D office to talk through your research!
The Government wishes to see a dramatic and sustained improvement in the performance of providers of NHS services in initiating and delivering clinical research…The aim is to increase the number of patients who have the opportunity to participate in research and to enhance the nations attractiveness as a host for research…The Governments Plan for Growth, published in March 2011, announced the transformation of incentives at local level for efficiency in initiation and delivery of research - National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)Plan for Growth As a Trust we are performance managed. We are required to submit quarterly data on our initiation and delivery of all of our clinical trials. We are also performance managed on our portfolio trials – and this data is collected every month. *We are required to publish this performance data on our website and are at risk of incurring financial penalties if we do not show continuous improvement: Research benchmarks
Initiating clinical research: Time taken from valid approval application received (in R&I) to First Patient First Visit. The target is 70 days. Where 70 days is exceeded we have to produce valid reasons. These are reviewed by the NIHR Delivering clinical research: Whether the study is recruiting to time and target (taken off the SSI form). Where study is not meeting time to target we have to produce valid reasons. These are reviewed by the NIHR.
Working with you.. When you have made initial contact with us we will allocate a member of staff to your study who will begin the risk assessment and will be your point of contact. They will guide you through the submission process and have continual conversations to work through the risks/issues with taking the study on at this Trust. Once issues have been resolved, all departments are on board/appropriate documentation have been submitted to us, contracts signed, financial aspects agreed then we will issue R&D approval! There is no committee meeting like with REC approval. Therefore your study will be reviewed and worked through on a continual basis with your continual input until approval can be issued.
R&D contact lists: This website provides useful links to acute Trusts across the UK and links to their R&D contact details: This website provides a list of the newly formed CCGs (replacing the PCTs): This website provides information on the primary care research network: UH Bristol R&D contact details: