Unit 23 We all wish for peace
Essential expressions: a. When did the second World War start and end? How did the conflict start? What did people suffer from the war?
b: Millions of people are suffering from the war. War bring death and famine. The war has displaced thousands of people. The war laid the country waste. People suffer food shortages during the war.
c: We all wish for peace. Everyone wants to live in a world at peace. The people desire peace,security and happiness. We all determined to save children from the war. We live in peace with our neighbors.
We should preserve the peace in the family. Peace -loving people dream of peace in every part of the world. Peace Day has also become an international day of ceasefire around the world. Peace and development are the themes of our times.
New words conflict [k ɔ nflikt] n. famine ['fæmin] n. displace [dis'pleis] v. ( ) ; lay [lei] v. ( ); (laid,laid) shortage [' ʃɔ :tid ʒ ] n. ;
desire [di'zaiə] v. ; preserve [pri'zə:v] v., peace-loving a. dream of ; international [,intə'næ ʃ ənəl] a. ceasefire ['si:s,faiə] n., theme [θi:m] n.
Text 1 The wooden horse of Troy The Greeks won many important battles. However, they could not break down the walls of Troy.Just as the Greeks wanted to give up and go home, Odysseus came up with a plan to get the Greeks army into Troy. The Greeks built a huge wooden horse and soldiers hid inside it.After leaving the horse at the gates of Troy, the Greek army sailed away.
The next morning, the people of Troy woke and saw a huge wooden horse standing outside the city gates. What is this ? Where did it come from? asked the people. The wooden horse did not move.The people of Troy thought the Greeks had given up and had left the horse as a gift. Finally,they opened the gates and dragged the wooden horse into the city. The people walked around the horse.They touched it. It didnt seem to do anything !They did not know that there were men hiding inside the horse.
Late at night, while the Trojans were sleeping,the soldiers in the horse slipped out and opened the city gates, and the Greek army quietly entered Troy. They started fires all over the city. The Trojans awoke to find their city burning. When the tried to escape, they were killed by Greek soldiers.
New words wooden [wudn] a. Troy [tr ɔ i] n. Trojan [trəud ʒ ən] a. n. break down Odysseus [ədisju:s] n.
come up with army [ ɑ :mi] n. hide [haid] v. ; (hid, hidden) sail away ; drag [dræ ɡ ] v. ; slip out [slip aut] escape [iskeip] v. ;
Text 2 Never give up Unlike other runners, she wore a T-shirt, long shorts and a pair of second-hand shoes. She didnt get to run in the final, but she was happy enough to be able to run just once.Shes Dana Hussein,a sportswoman from Iraq. Weeks ago, the IOC decided that Iraq was not welcome in Beijing for political reason.
Dana's heart was broken. She cried and cried for hours. She had been looking forward to the Olympics and had been training hard for it. Fortunately, last month the IOC allowed the Iraqi team to take part. Dana was very excited to hear the news and trained day after day. And it was extremely hard for her. "There are many bombs. When you are in the way to the stadium,you don't know what will happen to you. " said Dana.
Once when she was training, a sniper opened fire on her and it crossed near Dana and hit the tree. But she went back and trained in the same place 30 minutes later. Dana finally made it to Beijing. "I'm really happy to compete in 2008 Beijing. I'm happy. I like this, " she said."I'm the champion for our country." Her story has touched the hearts of thousands of people.
New words final [fainəl] n. Iraq [ir ɑ :k] n. Iraqi [ir ɑ :ki] a. n. IOC :International Olympic Committee political [pəlitikəl] a. day after day ;
train [trein] n. v. extremely [ikstri:mli] ad. ; bomb [b ɔ m] n. stadium [steidjəm] n. ; sniper [sna ɪ pə] n., compete [kəmpi:t] v. champion [t ʃ æmpjən] n.