Why we study Shakespeare!
We study Shakespeare because He tells us so much about human nature. This is probably one of the major reasons why Shakespeare's plays are still watched and studied. If the things he wrote about were not the perennial aspects of human nature, we wouldn't be interested in watching the plays any more. He is a brilliant dramatist. Shakespeare might have lots of profound things to say to us, but we wouldn't watch the plays unless they worked as drama. The experience of watching the plays is entertaining and spectacular as well as revealing many things about life to us. He is a great poet. The plays are full of memorable passages of poetry, which along with all Shakespeare's other achievements, contributes to the enduring success of his plays.
IF YOU CAN READ SHAKESPEARE, YOU CAN READ ANYTHING! Simply stated, students should study Shakespeare's works in school because of the incredible value within them. In addition to exposing students to a multitude of literary techniques, Shakespeare's plays challenge the student with difficult language and style, express a profound knowledge of human behavior and offer insight into the world around us. IF YOU CAN READ SHAKESPEARE, YOU CAN READ ANYTHING!
"Shakespeare's use of poetry within his plays to express the deepest levels of human motivation in individual, social and universal situations is considered one of the greatest accomplishments in literary history.“
Original writing, Hamlet Evident in Shakespeare's plays is the broad use of irony, imagery, rhythm and other literary devices. Through these devices, he establishes atmosphere and character, and intrigue. Exposure to these devices provides students with a broad knowledge of literary style and technique, while serving to develop and improve writing skills. Also, because much of the modern literary ideas and writings allude to and can be traced back to Shakespeare, familiarity with his works can only be an advantage to the student. Original writing, Hamlet
Shakespeare's works, like no other literature in the high school curriculum, challenge and invigorate our minds. Because of the complex characters, difficult vocabulary and style in which he writes, students must elevate their level of learning to grasp a clear understanding of his works. Shakespeare's plays hold intricate meanings and messages. His works are open to many interpretations and encourage the student to use his or her imagination.
People who have studied Shakespeare: have a broader view of the world in general. have little trouble in other literature classes. do well in logic and philosophy. appreciate other art forms as well: music, drama, art, costume, writing. have an easier time grasping the concepts of character, plot, irony, universal truth, advanced vocabulary, etc. can better judge what is a good book. understand concepts in clear speaking. have a broader view of important historical events. have a greater understanding of human nature (greed, faithfulness, love, power, gentleness, poor choices, honesty, integrity, popularity, danger, patriotism, selfishness, self-sacrifice, etc.)