The Technology Policies We Need Now and Why Pamela Waggoner ISLT /19/09
Each School building in our district must have an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) It should be reviewed and updated yearly. The District AUP is reviewed and updated annually in October. *There should be a statement and information with a description of the instructional philosophies and strategies to be supported by Internet access in schools. We currently address general dos and do nots in the District AUP. *There should also be a statement on the educational uses and advantages of the Internet in a school or division. This should be detailed and provide information about what the students will be using and how/ why. Each grade level could address this by allowing parents to preview yearly plans involving the use of technology, and how they can be of assistance in facilitating learning with their child. Some suggestions include culminating presentations of technology/ using technology in demonstrating what students have learned each quarter.
Roles/ Responsibilities and Professional Development There should be a list of the roles and responsibilities of division personnel, community stakeholders, parents, and students for using the Internet and other electronic based resources. There should be a description of the ongoing professional development opportunities for each stakeholder group and associated needs assessments and evaluations. There should be a description of the community outreach activities and associated needs assessments and evaluations. This information was obtained from the following website:
Resources and District information This information and resources are a compilation of helpful information about the Affton School District / Technology policies and more specifically, Gotsch Intermediate. Gotsch Intermediate School Resource Page. The above listed site is designed to help our faculty and staff locate websites quickly and safely Affton School District Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Procedure Affton School District Board Policies/ Acceptable Use Policy / Governing Acceptable Use: is file 6904 under the 6000 Series Program of Instruction Affton School District Technology Department information and links
About eMints eThemes is an extensive database of content-rich, age-appropriate resources organized around specific themes. These resources are created for educators to use in their classrooms. eThemes is a service of the eMINTS National Center. eThemes resources are created and maintained by University of Missouri-Columbia College of Education staff and graduate students from the School of Information Science and Learning Technologies. Click here to visit the eThemes Resource Page.eThemes Resource Page is a website that brings together the MOREnet online resources of EBSCOhost, Learning Express Library, Discovering Collection and NewsBank to make searching easier for all MOREnet members. provides access to the online resources through a quick search, by subject and by database, all located on one page. also contains a Homework Help section that brings all the relevant resources for K-12 students together in one The eMINTS National Center is a non-profit, independent business unit of the University of Missouri. eMINTS offers professional development programs created by educators for educators. Leading experts have collaborated to produce programs thatprofessional development programs inspire educators to use instructional strategies powered by technology engage students in the excitement of learning enrich teaching to dramatically improve student performance eMINTS changes how teachers teach and students learn. Its instructional model provides a research-based approach to organizing instruction and can be implemented in any subject area at any level. The eMINTS National Center is a collaborative program developed by the University of Missouri, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Missouri Department of Higher Education.University of MissouriMissouri Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationMissouri Department of Higher Education
Additional Comments and Questions This is the first year that I will be teaching at Gotsch Intermediate School. I graduated from AHS in 1987, and remember using the Apple IIes with Mr. Orf … we have come a long way since then, and I am thrilled to return to my Alma Mater. I am currently pursuing an Educational Specialist Degree from University of Missouri- Columbia in Technology In Schools. I look forward to reviewing and updating this document and other inservice presentations in order to help in providing useful and interesting information about teaching, learning and technology to my colleagues, students and parents, school board, administrators, community members and the technology department/ committee. I believe that collaborating with others and communicating with others is vital to developing community partnerships in success.