State of the Art The Status and Trends of HIV/AIDS Epidemics Karen Stanecki, US Census Bureau and Chair of Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic Network
Topics for discussion HIV epidemics are emerging across the region No society is immune Epidemics are inter-related and not self-contained
Recent trends in HIV infection, 1996–2001 + 100% + 1 300% + 60% + 160% + 30% + 40% + 20% Recent trends in HIV infection, 1996–2001 The global view of HIV, end 2001 15 – 39% 5 – 15% 1 – 5% 0.5 – 1.0% 0.1 – 0.5% 0.0 – 0.1% not available HIV prevalence in adults, end 2001 Source: UNAIDS/WHO July 2002 outside region
Rising rates among injectors in Vietnam
HIV infections in Japanese men by transmission mode
HIV prevalence in sex workers and STI clinic patients in Vietnam
Prevalence among sex workers in Chinese provinces
Rising rates among sex workers in Indonesia
Indonesia HIV infection rates = 0 % = 1 - 5 % = < 1% = > 5 % SW 1.5% IDUs 40% 26.5% 53% 6.4% 8 % 6% 24.5% SW = sex worker IDUs = injecting drug users
MSM in Cambodia sex with different partner types
Potential spread of HIV from high risk groups to the general Population, Central Bangladesh Rickshawpullers (76% married) SM 9 Percent are IDU 69% visit FSW MSM 34% ) (46% married Visit 33% FSW Visit IDU FSW FSW (40% married) (9% married ) 2 Percent are IDU 1 Percent are IDU
Cumulative reported HIV infections per million population in Eastern European countries: 1993-2001 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 Estonia* Russian Federation Cases per million population Ukraine Latvia Belarus Moldova, Republic of Kazakhstan Lithuania 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Projected * actual 2001 year-end data Source: National AIDS Programmes (2001) HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe. Mid-year report. Data compiled by the European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS