2012 Customer Forum Craig Ashton Waste Services Manager
Welcome to the 2012 LLWR Customer Forum
The Strategy Avoid ReduceRecycle Reuse Treat Dispose
Continual Improvement of our Services EnhanceImplementProtect
The Agenda Strategy & National Waste Programme Update Enhancements & successes for existing services Implementation of new services The ESC
My Focus Areas for the next 12 months Continue to develop our capability –The best services wont be delivered without us having the best people! Deliver and develop JWMPs –What are we going to do to significantly reduce disposals? Plans –Without them customer programmes are at risk –Without them our ability to bulk-buy and thus deliver better VFM for customers is hindered Service Capacity –We need to know where the future pinch-points are All relies on the governance & communications that are currently being implemented
Final thought Imagine if, in 5 years time, we hit all of the treatment targets but still continue to dispose of >5000m 3 /yr….. Whilst we should continue to deliver against treatment targets – the primary focus will always be reducing what is sent to the Repository – we must stay focussed on this strategic imperative!