Tremor Tracker Computer-aided tremor analysis, using optical recognition system
Multi-disciplinary approach Trepetlika – Association of Patients with Parkinsons Disease in Slovenia Wise Technologies Ltd. – Innovative software solutions company Ljubljana Neurology Clinic, University Clinocal Center, Ljubljana Institute for Pathophysiology, Medical faculty, Ljubljana
Parkinsons disease tremor bradykinesia rigidity postural instability
Need for quantification Objectivity Differential diagnosis (PD, ET, psychogenic..) Tremor progression Treatment follow-up
Why optical measurements? Precise measurements of tremor parameters Keeping track of the patients history – video clips, measurements, comments Excluding subjectivity Objective comparison of recorded measurements
How we use the system? Up to 32 different, color-coded markers Tremor tracking with 1-4 cameras 3D measurements with two cameras Comprehensive analysis
Friendly user interface
Powerful analysis Graphs of horizontal and vertical motion X/Y graph reproducing tremor Frequency analysis Comparing tremors on diff. extremities
Future development! Design of a low-cost system for private use. Adding more analysis, giving doctors an instrument for tremor research To enable physicans to use the patients measurements for follow-up of tremor