Introduction To Weight Training Taking charge of your fitness goals!
Weight Training Workout Weight Training Tips Click on an area to find out more info! Warm Up Stretches Arms & Shoulders Abdominals Calfs Chest Gluteals Quadriceps Back Cool Down & Stretches Sample Workout Credits
Weight Training Tips Before you work out, it is important to warm up your muscles before lifting weights. Warming up your muscles prepares your body to start lifting weights, and more importantly, can prevent injuries. The warm up consists of increasing your cardiovascular heart rate. This can be done by a 5 minute jog, a brisk walk, jumping rope, or any activity that gets your heart going!
Warm Up Before you work out, it is important to warm up your muscles. Warming up your muscles prepares your muscles to exercise, which can prevent injuries. Warming up consists of increasing your cardiovascular heart rate. This can be achieved by jogging for 3-5 minutes, jumping rope, or any brisk activity that gets your heart pumping!
Stretches Arms- 1. Stretch straight arm across body. 1. 2. Bend elbow, put arm behind head, & push down 1. 2. Back- 1. Lay on back, bring knees to chest.1. 2. Sitting back twist. 2. Quadriceps- 1. Stand, hold toes, and pull up on leg. Calf- Stand, push against wall, and lean forward. Gluteals- Lunge forward,step forward away from other leg. v
Shoulders & Arms Lift Strengthens following muscles: 1. Bench Press Deltoid & Biceps 2. Incline Press Deltoid & Biceps 3. Curl Bicep 4. Tricep Extension Tricep Bench Press Incline Press Curl Tricep Extension v
Chest Lift Strengthens following muscles: Bench Press Pectorals Incline Press Dumb bell Flies Bench Press Incline Press Dumb bell Flies v
Abdominals Abdominal Exercises: Strengthens following muscles: Crunches Internal & External Obliques Incline Sit Ups Side bends Crunches Incline Sit Ups Side bends v
Gluteals Lifts Strengthens following muscles: Squat Gluteals & Quadriceps Lunge Squat Bend knees to (90 degrees) Lunge Step forward, bending knees to ground v
Quadriceps Lifts Strengthens following muscles: Leg Extension Leg Press Leg Extension Leg Press v
Calfs Lifts Strengthens following muscles: Toe Raises on machine Gastrocnemius Single leg Toe Raises with dumb bells Toe Raises on Machine Toe Raises w/ Dumb bells v
Back Lifts Strengthens following muscles: Dumb bell Bent over Row Erectors Lever Incline Row Dumb bell bent over row Level Incline row v
Cool Down & Stretches After you work out, it is important to cool down and stretch your muscles. After lifting, repeat the stretches that you did at the beginning of your program, and if you raised your heart rate considerably, be sure to walk around a little to cool down. v
Sample Workout This is an example of a sample workout for a general body strengthening Bench Press /10 /10/ /10 Incline /10 /10 /10 Leg Press /10 /10 /10 Leg Curl /10 /10 /10 Leg Extension /10 /10 /10 Lunges /10 /10 /10 Arm Curls /10 /10 /10 Tricep pushdown /10 /10 /10 Lat. Pulldown /10 /10 /10 Squats /10 /10 /10 v
Good Luck ! For more weight training information & Credit for Weight Training Photos: Check out the following web site: v The End