November 26 & 27 OBJECTIVE: SWBAT read an essay in order to identify rhetorical strategies. SAT WORDS: –11/26: larva- n. the second stage between egg and pupa in the development of many types of insects –11/27: embryo- n. a fertilized egg, the early stage of growth before birth WARM-UP: Write a sentence for EACH SAT word or CHALLENGE: Write a sentence using both SAT words.
November 28 & 29 OBJECTIVE: SWBAT read an essay in order to identify allusions and rhetorical questions. SAT WORDS: –11/28: insatiable- adj. not able to get enough of something, not satisfied with a normal amount –11/29: industrious- adj. hardworking, busy WARM-UP: Write a sentence for EACH SAT word or CHALLENGE: Write a sentence using both SAT words.
November 30 & December 3 – B day OBJECTIVE: SWBAT read an essay in order to identify allusions and rhetorical questions. SAT WORDS: –11/30: indigenous- adj. born in, native to –12/03: mastery- n. the ability to do something extremely well, complete competence WARM-UP: Write a sentence for EACH SAT word or CHALLENGE: Write a sentence using both SAT words.
November 30 & December 3 – A Day OBJECTIVE: SWBAT take a test in order to assess knowledge of SAT words and a speech. SAT WORDS: –11/30: indigenous- adj. born in, native to –12/03: mastery- n. the ability to do something extremely well, complete competence WARM-UP: Write a sentence for EACH SAT word or CHALLENGE: Write a sentence using both SAT words.