Benefits of Microsoft PowerPoint for Middle School Students Storyboard Prepared for: ED 579 Media Design - 02/07/09 By: Abdullah Altamimi, Sharon Castano, Michelle Mishko & Donna Wolfe
Opening scene begins with a series of computer-generated screens that fade in and out informing the viewer on technological facts. These facts illustrate that technology is integrated into numerous aspects of life. Did you know? There are x # of cell phones in the USA. There are x # of computers in the USA.
This scene asks the rhetorical question regarding note cards to set up future scenes that will show the benefits of using PowerPoint instead. With all of this technology… …why are you still using note cards for presentations?
Camera takes a wide shot of the front of a classroom showing students conducting a presentation. Students are fumbling with their words and note cards. Note cards fall to the ground and the students struggle to pick them up and organize them.
Camera cuts to a wide shot of the audience sleeping through the students presentation. Yawns and other sleeping sounds are heard in the background.
Camera cuts to a wide view of the front classroom again. Students are still fumbling. Camera will take a cut-in shot of the unorganized note cards in their hands.
This scene sets up future scenes that will show the benefits of using PowerPoint. When you could use PowerPoint instead.
The camera takes a wide shot showing same students doing a spectacular presentation using PowerPoint.
The camera takes a wide shot showing students in the audience cheering for such a spectacular student presentation with PowerPoint.
This transition clip will set up the next several scenes that deal with student interviews – what they use for their classroom presentations. What do you use for presentations?
The camera takes a two-shot view of an interviewer speaking with a student. The interviewer will be asking several students what they currently use for presentations.
This transition clip will set up the next several scenes that deal with PowerPoint instruction. PowerPoint How does it work?
The next several frames demonstrate the basics of PowerPoint, including creating a new presentation, inserting slides, texts, basic images.
The next several frames demonstrate several advanced techniques, such as inserting tables, graphs, and various media.
In this next section, well demonstrate the basics of transitioning between slides as well as how to make your presentation more visually appealing.
The camera gets a medium close-up shot of students explaining how they use PowerPoint in their presentations - student testimonials.
The next several frames consist of true/false questions to test if students were paying attention to the presentation. Ask yourself these questions True or False: It is a good idea to put many different colors and fonts in the presentation. True or False: You cant import video into PowerPoint.
Last scene lists credits. Credits Writer Graphics Designer Cinematographer Editor