Wi-Fi By: Natalie Finn make-the-internet-an-everywhere-experience/
Background In 1999, a group of major companies formed the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA). Now called the Wi-Fi Alliance Spread Spectrum is a technique in which a signal is separated into pieces and transmitted over numerous frequencies. This enables different devices to use the same Wi-Fi transmitter at one time. In 1999, a group of major companies formed the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA). Now called the Wi-Fi Alliance Spread Spectrum is a technique in which a signal is separated into pieces and transmitted over numerous frequencies. This enables different devices to use the same Wi-Fi transmitter at one time.
Meaning The name Wi-Fi was developed by a branding company. Although many people believe Wi-Fi is short for wireless fidelity, it actually stands for IEEE The name Wi-Fi was developed by a branding company. Although many people believe Wi-Fi is short for wireless fidelity, it actually stands for IEEE
Wi-Fi Vs. Bluetooth Wi-Fi: Its purpose is to provide wireless, high-speed access to the Internet or a local area network. Range: about 300 feet It can be used within 300 feet of a hot spot, also called a networking node. Wi-Fi: Its purpose is to provide wireless, high-speed access to the Internet or a local area network. Range: about 300 feet It can be used within 300 feet of a hot spot, also called a networking node. Bluetooth: Its purpose is to create a wireless, personal area network. Range: about 30 feet It can be used anywhere with two or more Bluetooth-enabled devices. bluetooth-signals/
Waves Wi-Fi uses radio waves to allow high-speed data to travel over short distances. P100.html
Works Cited Graychase, Naomi. Wireless Fidelity Debunked. Wi-Fi Planet - The Source for Wi-Fi Business and Technology. 27 Apr Web. 19 Feb Martin, James A. Mobile Computing Tips: Bluetooth vs. Wi-Fi FAQ | PCWorld. PCWorld - News, tips and reviews from the experts on PCs, Windows, and more. 5 Sept Web. 19 Feb Graychase, Naomi. Wireless Fidelity Debunked. Wi-Fi Planet - The Source for Wi-Fi Business and Technology. 27 Apr Web. 19 Feb Martin, James A. Mobile Computing Tips: Bluetooth vs. Wi-Fi FAQ | PCWorld. PCWorld - News, tips and reviews from the experts on PCs, Windows, and more. 5 Sept Web. 19 Feb
Works Cited, Cont. Organization | Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi Alliance. Web. 19 Feb Wi-Fi (networking technology) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 19 Feb Organization | Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi Alliance. Web. 19 Feb Wi-Fi (networking technology) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 19 Feb