Post – War Years Northern business booms Northern business booms Transcontinental railroad in 69 Transcontinental railroad in 69 Irish/German/British/Scandinavian immigration Irish/German/British/Scandinavian immigration Sewards Folly nets Alaska in 67 Sewards Folly nets Alaska in 67 Organized labor falters with vet-swelled labor pool Organized labor falters with vet-swelled labor pool Republican Party becomes the party of big business Republican Party becomes the party of big business Redeemers anxious to restore white power Redeemers anxious to restore white power Whites restored to power in most southern states by 76 Whites restored to power in most southern states by 76
1868 Presidential Election Republicans nominate Grant unanimously on 1 st ballot Republicans nominate Grant unanimously on 1 st ballot Grant doesnt campaign but bloody shirt gets waved &…... Grant doesnt campaign but bloody shirt gets waved &…... Republicans promise continued Reconstruction Republicans promise continued Reconstruction Claim Dems will give up advances made in the south Claim Dems will give up advances made in the south Let us have Peace - Grant Let us have Peace - Grant Dems: Rich east wants war bonds redeemed in gold / west wants greenbacks used Dems: Rich east wants war bonds redeemed in gold / west wants greenbacks used Democrats nominate Seymour Democrats nominate Seymour
1868 Presidential Election
Presidential Election 1868 States Carried
1872 Presidential Election Grant re-nominated Grant re-nominated Platform condemns racial and religious discrimination & granting women more rights Platform condemns racial and religious discrimination & granting women more rights Supported by north / business Supported by north / business Credit Mobilier – Union Pac scandal Credit Mobilier – Union Pac scandal Dems nominate Horace Greeley after Liberal Reps do Dems nominate Horace Greeley after Liberal Reps do Campaigned against corruption and for an end to Radical Reconstruction Campaigned against corruption and for an end to Radical Reconstruction Supported by southern whites Supported by southern whites
1872 Presidential Election
Post-1872 Election Republicans sufficiently concerned to reduce tariffs and grant amnesty to former Confederates Republicans sufficiently concerned to reduce tariffs and grant amnesty to former Confederates Some civil-service reform Some civil-service reform Economic panic in 73 due to over-speculation Economic panic in 73 due to over-speculation Farmers and debtors call for more greenbacks Farmers and debtors call for more greenbacks Resumption Act of 75 decreases greenbacks…..Redemption day to gold in 79 Resumption Act of 75 decreases greenbacks…..Redemption day to gold in 79 House becomes Democratic in 74 and 78 & Greenback party is born House becomes Democratic in 74 and 78 & Greenback party is born
1876 election Whiskey ring scandal plagues Grant Whiskey ring scandal plagues Grant Depression follows Panic of 73 Depression follows Panic of 73 South Carolina/Louis/Florida cling to Radical control South Carolina/Louis/Florida cling to Radical control Dems: solid in south & northern cities Dems: solid in south & northern cities Reps: freedmen 7 GAR vets Reps: freedmen 7 GAR vets Stalwart Reps led by Roscoe Conkling use patronage Stalwart Reps led by Roscoe Conkling use patronage Half-Breeds led by James Blaine neutralize Half-Breeds led by James Blaine neutralize Grant toys with 3 rd term ….Congress says no Grant toys with 3 rd term ….Congress says no
1876 election Republicans nominate Hayes (Ohio / temperance leader) Republicans nominate Hayes (Ohio / temperance leader) Dems nominate Sam Tilden (wealthy / Wall Street lawyer) Dems nominate Sam Tilden (wealthy / Wall Street lawyer) Tweed prosecutor Tweed prosecutor Tilden wins popular SC/Florida/Louis have contested races….both sides claim victory Split congress arranges compromise of 1877 Hayes will end Reconstruction White wealthy men ban together…..blacks left with no economic power
1876 Presidential Election
1880 Election Reps split: Reps split: –Hayes not running –Grant wants it –Garfield says Sherman –WI says Garfield Wanted high tariffs Wanted high tariffs Dems nominate Winfield Hancock ….little experience Dems nominate Winfield Hancock ….little experience
1880 election
Post 1880 VP is Stalwart Chester Arthur VP is Stalwart Chester Arthur Charles Guiteau shoots Garfield in Sept. 81 Charles Guiteau shoots Garfield in Sept. 81 Claims insanity …… wanted to gain Stalwarts an advantage Claims insanity …… wanted to gain Stalwarts an advantage Pendleton Act 83 establishes Civil Service……parties turn to corporations for $ Pendleton Act 83 establishes Civil Service……parties turn to corporations for $
1884 Election
1884 election Rep nominate James Blaine Rep nominate James Blaine Blaine accused in Mullligan Letters of being paid by railroad interests Blaine accused in Mullligan Letters of being paid by railroad interests Rum, Romanism, & Rebellion speech sticks to Blaine and upsets Irishmen Rum, Romanism, & Rebellion speech sticks to Blaine and upsets Irishmen Dem Cleveland Dem Cleveland Clevelands affair w/ Maria Halpin was of interest Clevelands affair w/ Maria Halpin was of interest Tells the truth!.....fathered child Tells the truth!.....fathered child Won over reform Republicans (Mugwumps) Won over reform Republicans (Mugwumps)
1884 Election
1888 Election Reps nominate Benjamin Harrison Reps nominate Benjamin Harrison Supported strong tariff policy Supported strong tariff policy Dems re-nominate Cleveland Dems re-nominate Cleveland Ran on tariff reduction Ran on tariff reduction Lost Tammany-led New York Lost Tammany-led New York
1888 Election
1892 Election Granges (farmer organizations) form in response to: Granges (farmer organizations) form in response to: –Eastern banks / credit –Monopolies controlling machinery costs –Railroad trusts –Depressed land and crop prices ICC of 87 ICC of 87 Sherman Ant-trust of 90 Sherman Ant-trust of 90
1892 Election Rep nominee is Harrison Rep nominee is Harrison Ill wife = no campaigning Ill wife = no campaigning Cleveland also refrains Cleveland also refrains Pro-tariff Pro-tariff Dem nominee is Cleveland Dem nominee is Cleveland Opposed by free-silver faction from West & South Opposed by free-silver faction from West & South Anti-tariff Anti-tariff Populists run James Weaver……wants free- silver Populists run James Weaver……wants free- silver Carries a state (only 3 rd party from 60-12) Carries a state (only 3 rd party from 60-12)
1892 Election
1896 Election Reps nominate McKinley Reps nominate McKinley front-porch campaign front-porch campaign tool of business tool of business Raised $3 million v WJBs $600,000 Raised $3 million v WJBs $600,000 Dem nominate William Jennings Bryan Dem nominate William Jennings Bryan Free-silver Free-silver Portraited as radical / socialist Portraited as radical / socialist
1896 Election