International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Academics and CTE at a Crossroads June 21, 2007
Why Why What What How How Change Process
Essential Skills
Rigor/Relevance For All Students
1.Awareness 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation Knowledge Taxonomy Knowledge Taxonomy
Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations
12345 Application Knowledge Rigor/Relevance Framework
Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB Blooms Application
A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs.
A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs. Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid.
A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs.
Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB Blooms Application
RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework RightAnswer Did Students Get it Right? RationalAnswerRightQuestions RightProcedure High Low
RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework TeacherWork Teacher/Student Roles StudentThinkStudent Think & Work StudentWork High Low
Wisconsin English LA Achievement Frameworks Subskills/Descriptors Knowledge and Concepts Exam - CRT (WKCE)
Wisconsin Mathematics Achievement Frameworks Subskills/Descriptors Knowledge and Concepts Exam - CRT (WKCE)
Wisconsin Career and Technical Education Wisconsin English Language Arts Subskills/Descriptors Grade 10 Curriculum Survey of Essential Skills National Rank WKCE Agriculture & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, AV Tech & Communications Ag Production Ag Services (Ag Business) Ag Mechanics Natural Resources Architecture Surveying &Drafting Construction Visual Arts &Design Performing Arts Communications Use context clues to determine the meaning of words and phrases. e7 HHHHHHHHHHH Use knowledge of word structure to determine the meaning of words and phrases. e7 HHHHHHHHHHH Use word reference materials to determine the meaning of words and phrases. e21 HHHHHHHHHHH Demonstrate understanding of literal meaning by identifying stated information in literary text. e5, e15 HLLLLLLLLMM Demonstrate understanding of literal meaning by identifying stated information in informational text. e5 HHHHHHHHHHH
Arts Education Wisconsin English Language Arts Subskills/Descriptors Grade 10 WKCE Visual ArtsDanceMusicTheatre Use context clues to determine the meaning of words and phrases. HHHHH Use knowledge of word structure to determine the meaning of words and phrases. HHHHH Analyze literary text. HHHHH Analyze informational text. HHHHH Analyze authors use of language in literary and informational text. HHHHH
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Write clear and concise directions or procedures.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Demonstrate ability to select and use appropriate technology or media for presenting information to the target audience for the specific purpose.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Use the technique of dimensional analysis to convert units of measure (e.g., kilometers/hour to meters/minute) and apply ratios in real- world situations (e.g., scale drawings).
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to right triangles.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Understand that science and technology merge to meet the needs of society and that technology can often have unforeseen impacts on people and the environment that may be complicated to correct.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Compare and investigate various types of energy (e.g., heat, light, electromagnetic, nuclear, internal, wave, potential vs. kinetic) and energy transfer and know how to apply measurements of energy.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Understand and apply the concepts of work and power and how they relate to energy.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Explain limited government and the importance of limiting the power of government.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Describe the impacts of revolution and reform on the world economy from the early 20th century through today and explain the causes and global consequences of local, regional, and global wars.
USAMissouriWisconsinTexasFloridaNew York Topic Statement: Compare and contrast family life as well as local and North American community life now and in the past.
Comparison High-priority rankings do not always mean a high number of standards and assessment items. Lower ranked skills are oftentimes assessed multiple times on state tests. NESS items may align to state standards multiple times but those skills and standards are not assessed to the same degree, if at all.
Comparison National (U.S.) TexasFloridaNew York NESS Rank H.S. Standards -003 H.S. Assessment -000
Comparison National (U.S.) TexasFloridaNew York NESS Rank H.S. Standards -944 H.S. Assessment -942
Comparison National (U.S.) TexasFloridaNew York NESS Rank H.S. Standards -382 H.S. Assessment -162
Comparison National (U.S.) TexasFloridaNew York NESS Rank H.S. Standards -003 H.S. Assessment -000
Comparison National (U.S.) TexasFloridaNew York NESS Rank H.S. Standards -152 H.S. Assessment -142
Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)
Quantile Framework Numbers and Operations Numbers and Operations Algebra / Patterns & Functions Algebra / Patterns & Functions Data Analysis & Probability Data Analysis & Probability Measurement Measurement Geometry
Quantile Measure (Q) Personal Use Employment High School First-Year College Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%) Quantile Framework ® for Math Study Summary of Quantile Measures 8th 10th 11th
Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB Blooms Application
Why Why What What How How Change Process
Criteria Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school)
Criteria Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements)
Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB Blooms Application
Criteria Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Student Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning)
Criteria Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school) Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements) Student Engagement (The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning) Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes)
Guiding Principles Responsibility Responsibility Contemplation Contemplation Initiative Initiative Perseverance Perseverance Optimism Optimism Courage Courage Respect Respect Compassion Compassion Adaptability Adaptability Honesty Honesty Trustworthiness Trustworthiness Loyalty Loyalty
Why Why What What How How Change Process
Essential Skills
Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB Blooms Application
(Reflective Thought)
Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)
Scope and Sequence
Grade 9 ELA Grade 10 ELA Grade 11 ELA Grade 12 ELA Grade 9 Math Grade 9 Science Grade 9 Social Studies Grade 10 Math Grade 10 Science Grade 10 Social Studies Grade 11 Math Grade 11 Science Grade 11 Social Studies Grade 12 Math Grade 12 Science Grade 12 Social Studies Curriculum Alignment: The Reality
Grade 9 ELAMathScience Social Studies Grade 10 ELAMathScience Social Studies Grade 11 ELAMathScience Social Studies Grade 12 ELAMathScience Social Studies Curriculum Alignment: The Goal
(Reflective Thought)
Instruction - Structure
Transition Years
Start with Hardest to Serve Students
Comprehensive Plan
Why Why What What How How Change Process
Model Schools Conference June 30 – July 3, 2007 Washington D.C.
1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY Phone (518) Fax (518) International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.