Force Structure Review USMC Force Structure Review Col Russell E. Smith USMC Director MAGTF Integration Division/ Strategic Vision Group CDD, CD&I, HQMC 30 Apr 2011
- A Marine Corps in Transition - Our Guidance As We Began 2
SecDef’s Guidance (San Francisco Speech) “.. to be at the “tip of the spear” in the future, when the U.S. military is likely to confront a range of irregular and hybrid conflicts.” “… the United States will continue to face a diverse range of threats that will require a more flexible portfolio of military capabilities.” “… flexible and prepared to fight and operate in any contingency – including counterinsurgency and stability operations.” “...the maritime soul of the Marine Corps needs to be preserved,” “..challenge is finding the right balance between preserving what is unique and valuable while making changes needed to win the wars we are in and likely to face.” “…the Marines’ greatest strengths: a broad portfolio of capabilities and penchant for adapting that are needed to be successful in any campaign.” Highlights of SecDef speech in San Francisco – 12 Aug 2010: “I directed them [FSRG] not to lose sight of the Marines greatest strengths: a 3
SecNav’s Guidance “… build on Marine Corp’s willingness to adapt and its steady institutional focus on readiness and national relevance “ “ … conduct a capabilities-based force structure review that balances requirements and capacities throughout the conflict spectrum, across multiple domains (sea, air, ground, and cyber) “ “… provide me with recommendations that result in a 21st century expeditionary force in readiness” “… remain capable of being able to project ready-to-fight forces from the sea into potentially hostile territory” “ must remain a well-trained, morally strong, highly disciplined, high-state-of-readiness force, capable of operating persistently forward in multiple geographic theaters; responding rapidly to any crisis “ “… primary goal should be to maximize total force capability and minimize risk …” “… rapidly disaggregate and aggregate to increase forward engagement, rapidly respond to crisis, and rapidly project power in austere locations.” “Provide options for headquarters and staff reductions and institutional efficiencies.”
Expeditionary Force-in-Readiness Defined Role of the Marine Corps within the Joint Force An integrated & balanced air-ground-logistics team Fwd deployed and fwd engaged – ever ready to respond and protect as directed Responsive & scalable - ready today to respond to the full range of crises & contingencies Trained & equipped to Integrate with other Services, Allies and Interagency partners The USMC is a Middleweight Force…“light enough to get there quickly, heavy enough to carry the day upon arrival”
Force Structure Review Group (FSRG) What We Did 6
Capabilities-Based Review A Total Force, Capability-Based Review (Active, Reserve, Civilian) Senior USMC Leadership for 3 months 3 Star Exec Steering Group - CMC Direct Guidance/Oversight Objective: Design a Relevant, Efficient & Effective Force for Crisis Response & Fwd Engagement with a Single MCO Capacity * Mitigated Risk Whenever Feasible With an Operational Reserve * Incorporated Lessons Learned from last 10 years of combat * Employed OSD Planning Scenarios & Analytic Tools to Test the Force * Cross Checked Against Approved OPLANS * Red Team Review Throughout * Examined Capability Bands Between 175-190K Changed Dwell Power projection 1:0 Sustained ops Bns from 27+ to 24 and dwel to 1:1.4 Sweet Spot Engagement Crisis Response Power Projection Sustained Op IW/MCO 186.8K Active Force / 39.6K Reserve Force
Major Initiatives Ready, regionally focused C2 for crisis response Ready operating forces manned at 99% enlisted and 95% officers 5 regionally aligned JTF capable MEB command elements to support GCCs Increased enablers to create a multi-capable force (enablers + general purpose = multi-capable) Designed for the future Restructured logistics groups to increase the depth, availability and responsiveness of our combat service support 67% increase in cyber capacity Marine Special Operations increased 44% in critical combat and combat service support Institutionalized IW organizations ISR structured to tightly integrate tactical, operational and strategic capability for distributed and complex operations Command structures flattened…new operational construct Changed High Demand/Low Density MOS’ to High Demand/Right Density A fully integrated operational reserve Full spectrum readiness Consolidated/reorganized/eliminated 21 active and reserve higher headquarters
Structural Changes Operating Forces Joint/MARSOC/CYBER Reduced infantry regiment HQ (8 to 7) Reduced infantry battalions (27 to 24) Reduced artillery battalions (11 to 9) Reduced flying squadrons (70 to 61) Reduced wing supt group HQs (3 to 0) Increased UAS squadrons (4 to 5) Reorganized all logistics commands Consolidated MPs to support law enforcement requirements 5 JTF capable MEB HQs for GCCs Combined two 3 star HQs & realigned 3 star authorization to Cmdr MARCENT High Demand/Low Density are now High Demand/Right Density Joint/MARSOC/CYBER Increased Cyber 67% (+250) Increased MARSOC 44% (+1000) Training/Supporting Establishment Reduced civilian structure (-2979 or 13%) Mil-to-civ conversions limited active duty structure reductions Reorganized installations/consolidate leadership Training Command consolidation Downgraded three 2 star billets to 1 stars Maintained HMX-1, nuclear weapon security, joint billets, chem-bio incident response and embassy support Reserve Cadred division, wing, logistics & mobilization command HQs Reduced regimental headquarters (3 to 2) Increased civil affairs groups (3 to 5) Increased CI/HUMINT (1 to 2) Increased ANGLICO (2 to 3) Two other options are in back up slides Operating forces (130672 to 118245)includes CE, GCE, ACE, LCE units – less those that directly support external requirements: HMX-1 MESG (DoS Scty) MCSF Regt Cyber ‘fighting units’ SOC ‘fighting units’ Joint/MARSOC/Cyber (9482 to 10667) includes HMX-1, MESG, Joint billets, MARFORSOC (non HQ), MARCYBER augments, CBIRF, MCSF Regiment Supporting Establishment (33183 to 31902) Note: ~26k in Training, Transient, Patient and Prisoner (T2P2) status 9
Next Steps FY11 Quick Wins Fully establish MARCENT MEB CE Stop programmed 202k growth (tanks, AAV, bridge company, combat logistics company) Deactivate wing support group headquarters Institutionalize irregular warfare organizations Consolidate training and education commands & combine staffs Halt planned civilian growth * Begin reorganization of logistics commands Begin Installations reorganization Speed up CYBER growth * Growth in Cyber/Acquisition is likely necessary
Next Steps FY12 Strengthen manning of Pacific JTF-capable MEB on Okinawa Begin strengthening manning of MARSOC Reorganize military police for future IW operations Consolidate MARFORCOM & II MEF staffs & move 3 star authorization to MARCENT Cadre and consolidate major reserve headquarters FY13 & Beyond Complete establishment of MARFOR MEB HQs at GCCs Deactivate infantry regiment Complete MARSOC capability and capacity increase
Way Ahead Continue developing, sustaining and enabling the Nation’s Expeditionary Force in Readiness Move forward with implementation Conduct DOTMLPF analysis ~ next 6 months FSRG results to inform POM 13 Seek Title 10 changes for improved access to operational reserve (OSD Support) FY12 NDAA DOPMA Relief Develop a measured way to reduce the force over time “to keep faith with Marines, families and civilians”