What is History? … and why do we study it?
History is… … the chronological study of the significant people,
and events from the past.
What determines significance? Historians... whos effected and YOU!
Why do we study history? 1. To learn from the past so... we make wise decisions and choices, and to avoid making the same mistakes others have made. 2. To help us better understand human nature so... we can fully enjoy and participate in life. 3. To gain a greater respect for our heritage so... we will take better care of our society and pass on an improved America for the next generation.
Why do we study history? 4. To unlock lifes possibilities so... we can achieve our greatest potential personally, and as a nation. 5. Because it is entertaining and... everyone likes to be entertained, to be fascinated, to see our heroes are human, to be surprised. Everyone likes a good story.
What are the components of history? PeoplePlaces Events Things
... and Fate
What are the major points of historical inquiry? Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Which? ?
And now, The Q-Matrix
Historical Sources (are the root of all history) Primary Secondary... are first-hand, direct sources of history.... are second-hand, indirect sources of history. Advantagesauthentic, near to the component Disadvantagesrare,expensive, too subjective, vested interest, may need deciphered, too close. Advantages Disadvantages inexpensive,objective, hind-sight. hind-sight. too distant, vested interest.