A Guide To CRM and Database Marketing By R.R. Jackson & Associates, Inc.
CRM has become THE buzzword. In fact, the term CRM or customer relationship management once really described a type of software. Today it has become the Mantra of a customer- centric philosophy. The real focus of CRM is the implementation of a company-wide business strategy that drives customer loyalty by capturing all relevant customer data sources across the business. CRM then makes the data available for the purpose of relationship-based selling. Each part of the business understands the customer in context of the other parts. This is also called a 360 degree view of the customer.
The data sources across the business are called Touch Points. Each touch point has a related software application called a Point Tool associated with it. For example: Call Center Manager, Sales Force Automation Tool; Campaign Management, Automated Program Deployment, Participation Portal, POS and Web Site Manager. There are two types of point tool providers. Enterprise software providers such as Siebel, Peoplesoft or Oracle. The provide one comprehensive solution or suite of tools for the business also called the front office. Other companies specialize in specific point tools for campaign management, web or sales force automation. While, specialized point tools are often better, they seldom fit together as well as a suite of tools without a lot of technology headaches.
No matter which tool or suite you choose, you will find that each requires data. Thus, you need to plan on consolidating all the data from each function (call center, sales force, marketing, web, retail) into one comprehensive data warehouse. Now, you have tools and a data warehouse. The easy part is done! Next is training, and organizational issues such as getting diverse business groups to work together, etc., etc., etc., etc.
In the late 80s and early 90s, a data marketing condundrum occurred. Businesses spent millions of dollars to build state-of-the-technology marketing databases. Yet, they spend nothing on populating it with important stuff, like customer data. We called this the great database marketing paradox. Fast forward to today. Welcome to the Great Data Marketing Paradox: Redoux. Only this time, the scope is bigger and the nature of the forgotten data is bigger as well. We see sales force automation systems with no customer contact information in the fields, point of sale
tools that dont share data, Web managers that are not real time, etc. The bigger they are………the harder they fall! It turns out, that whether your focus is database marketing or a front office CRM suite, there are four key resources or building blocks that must be in place to implement a customer marketing effort. They are: data, analytical capabilities, customer marketing expertise and technology. The amount of each you need, and the order in which you need them depends upon the unique nature of each marketing situation Of the four, one stands alone and far above the others in importance. Customer data is, has and will remain the key to database marketing, or customer relationship management applications.
Without the right data, no amount of technology, analysis or skilled talent will drive sales and maximize customer value. In fact, technology and its tools should always be the last consideration. We are R.R. Jackson & Associates. We council our clients on how to leverage the four key assets of data, technology, analysis and customer strategy. Thats the easy part! We drive our clients business and dramatic ROI through creating customer loyalty, cross and up-selling, re-selling and focused prospecting. We work magic with data and analytical techniques. We offer our clients unique insights into: One-to-one marketing and branding; Linking the Manufacturer, retailer and customer; Customer communities and Fast track implementations that generate results in 90 days or less.
What makes us different? We partner with proven leaders in database marketing and CRM We demonstrate success in three month intervals We deliver quick-hit successes We implement a true partnership with our clients We have proprietary techniques and processes that create insight and drive ROI
Our managing partner co-wrote the book that has driven database marketing strategy for the last seven years. R. R. Jackson & Associates, Inc.
R. R. Jackson & Associates provides strategic consulting in the areas of database marketing and CRM applications. Through customer information and analytical capabilities, we help our clients drive customer treatments that maximize current and potential value. Please contact: Rob Jackson aol.com
RRJ R.R.Jackson & Associates, Inc. CRM & Database Marketing Consulting 644 Carolyn Drive Glen Ellyn, IL Fax